
Jucas / News: Recent posts


The latest release has been temporally taken down.

Posted by Essl Christian 2003-11-13

Jucas-0_6_alpha released

Jucas is a Pull-MVC based component orientated (GUI) Web framework (, components represent the model and controller of the Web app and templates (JSPs, etc.) pull these components together as needed to render the HTML pages. This release is a major new release it is not (up- and down-)compatible with elder releases.

Jucas now includes a second type of Components: Services (which are HiveMind Services) for connecting to the Business-Logic.... read more

Posted by Essl Christian 2003-09-13

Jucas 0_5a released

Jucas is a component orientated model-view-controller framework for web-development. Components - which are either defined in Java or XML with JavaScript - are stateful objects which contain the model and the controller. The Http-Request is handled by component instances and a view presents the components to the user. The components are managed by a component manager und can be used without further configuration. This way Jucas tries to bring the advantages of Struts and object orientated design together to allow separation of model-view-controller, keep data and logic together, decentralized event based control, more flexibility and neutrality to the view technology and others. In Jucas it is easy to implement in all sorts of web-applications including portals.... read more

Posted by Essl Christian 2003-07-17