
Java Toaster / News: Recent posts

Welcome secrethellge!

I'm pround to annunce a new entry in the JToaster's developers team: secrethellge. We are working togher to develop a new version of jtoaster with more customizable interface and the ability to create your own toaster. Good work secrethellge!

Posted by danielepiras80 2005-09-14

jtoaster new home page!

I have created a simple JToaster homepage. The new site address is

Posted by danielepiras80 2005-09-07

JToaster JDK 1.4 & JDK 5 Compatible test version

I've developed a new package that you can find in Download Section: Version 1.0.4. This is a test version that could be run without problem with JDK 1.4 and 5. The package automatically check if it is running under jdk 5 and in this case use alwaysOnTop method. I encourage use of JDK 5. Please use forum or email me to provide a feedback. Thank you. Daniele

Posted by danielepiras80 2005-09-04

Welcome to JToaster!!! and ...a little example

Welcome to JToaster Project.

This is as example for use jtoaster

import com.nitido.utils.toaster.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class ToasterTest

public static void main(String[] args)
// Initialize toaster manager...
Toaster toasterManager = new Toaster();

// Show a simple toaster
toasterManager.showToaster( new ImageIcon( "mylogo.gif" ), "A simple toaster with an image" );

Posted by danielepiras80 2005-08-27