
JThumbs / News: Recent posts

Bug fix release fixes nagging usability issue

JThumbs release 1.1.1 fixes a nagging usability issue. Fixed bug that was causing arrow buttons on the scrollbar for the thumbnail pane to stay depressed, and scroll throght the entire range.

Posted by Jeff Post 2002-01-29

Release of JThumbs 1.1

Announcing the release of Jthumbs 1.1

Version 1.1 - Fixes and Features

Fix: bug when navigating to an empty directory, thumbnails did not clear
Fix: menu File/Exit: was menu not menu item
Fix: make all thumbs was making all thumbs, even those that were up to date
Fix: on startup, we now scroll to the last used directory
Fix: not able to navigate to the root of the directory tree
Fix: change thumb and thumbs icons on toolbar as requested by Konstantin
Fix: cleanup depricated Java API calls... read more

Posted by Jeff Post 2002-01-05

Release of JThumbs 1.0

I am happy to announce the first release of JThumbs. JThumbs is a Java application for thumbnailing, cataloging, browsing and viewing images. Please take a minute and download JThumbs. The distribution comes with "binaries" and start script (and bat file) so you can fire it right up and give it a try. Let me know what you think.

Jeff Post

Posted by Jeff Post 2001-12-18