Spider-Admin - 2024-01-10


Frost-Next is currently only available in Freenet. naejadu is the maintainer of Frost-Next. You have to follow his rather complex build tutorial to build Frost-Next. I can't help you with building or installing Frost-Next. I started to add the source code of Frost-Next to my private repository:
This repository is not complete, because it misses the changes by naejadu. He told me to wait for his next stable release of Frost-Next.

You can also try Frost. As you can see I am one of the maintainers. Frost currently works fine with OpenJDK 11 - 17. Support for OpenJDK 21 is planned. Only Perst does not like OpenJDK at the moment. naejadu manually patched the old source code of Perst and build Frost-Next using his manually patched Perst. The current source code of Perst can be found here
and it works fine with OpenJDK 21 (without manual patches). Unfortunately it has a minor bug, so I currently can't use it for Frost. I am already in contact with Mc Object to fix this bug in Perst.

PS: Frost 05-Mar-2011 (3302,release) is outdated. Use the current version from Git. I will release a new version soon. Until then you can build it using
gradle distZip


Last edit: Spider-Admin 2024-01-10