

JSWEBSERVER, your own web server which uses JavaScript for server side scripts logic.

JSWEBSERVER is a very light web server app that can be compiled in Java 1.8 or Java 16, it is based on SCALATRA ( and GRAALVM for Java( with JavaScript engine.

To know more about graalvm with java, it is recommended to watch this video:

The point here is to show that with the tools now we have, it is very easy to implement a web server similar to nodejs and I mean similar because all the server side scripts are using JavaScript but using your own way to implement it.


Web server side scripts are implemented in JavaScript.
You can use AJAX technology, see the example in the default page.
It uses GRAALVM JS engine so, it is possible to call Java libraries like JDBC, it is also showed in the examples.
It is so light that it is only a very small Java jar file.

There is one thing pending and it is the REST API, in the near future it is thought it will be possible to use JSWEBSERVER to create REST API.