
PyStripChart / News: Recent posts

Version 0.0.6 is out.

PyStripChart provides a set of widgets for displaying time-sampled data in interactive "strip chart" form. The widgets are built upon the PyGTK package.

This release brings us up-to-date with Python-2.3.2, GTK+-2.2.4, PyGTK-2.0.0 and Epydoc-2.0.

Posted by Jonathan Merritt 2003-10-25

Version 0.0.5 is out.

This version of PyStripchart sees the addition of the "cornerstone" widget: StripTableau. A StripTableau contains several channels of data to be displayed, and builds and coordinates a set of strip charts to display this multi-channel data.

Also included in this release is a "Getting Started Tutorial" to help guide people through setup and installation, as well as a short introduction to the program.

Posted by Jonathan Merritt 2003-04-24

Version 0.0.4 is out.

This version is functionally almost identical to version 0.0.3, but now includes the ability to generate documentation using the epydoc tool.

Epydoc will be the standard documentation tool for PyStripchart until anything better turns up.

Posted by Jonathan Merritt 2003-04-22

Version 0.0.3 is out.

This release includes a few minor bugfixes and a host of new features. The new features are the following:

- The StripChart widget now supports selection. You can select a single contiguous region within the widget.

- StripChart displays small crosses at the data points if there's enough room for them.

- Added a ScaledStripChart widget, which combines a VGrade with a StripChart automatically.

- Added an HGradeScale widget, which displays a horizontal graduated scale.... read more

Posted by Jonathan Merritt 2003-04-20

First Public Release

Version 0.0.2, the first public release was born today.

Posted by Jonathan Merritt 2003-04-18