
JSP template engine / News: Recent posts

DeliveranceMail the JSP email server is released

As planned the JSP email server has just been released under the JSPTemplates project. "DeliveranceMail" is an early release of a wider Messaging server project called Deliverance. The DeliveranceMail server includes the following features...
1. Graphical HTML emails, coded as JSPs with taglib support and dynamic class loading.
2. File attachments or embeded multimedia.
3. A scheduler for sending emails to lists of users.
4. A flexible 'trigger' mechanism for sending mail.
5. An RMI interface for control of the server over the network
6. Support to run as a windows NT service
7. A GUI to control the running server over the network
As with all JSPTemplates the JSPs can contain complex Java code or simple taglibs. The Email can load data from databases, LDAP or any other datasource for which there is a Java API.
Below the surface the Deliverance server is build to a flexible, configurable, and extensible framework that will hopefully prove easy to work with.
Plans for the future include close integration with Apache JAMES to handle incomming email, watch this space...

Posted by teknopaul 2003-01-22

Alpha 1.1 released with dynamic classloading

A new release Alpha 1 has just been uploaded. The main new feature of this release is dynamic class loading, similar to the way JSP reloading works. In version 1.1 reloading can happen without having to shut down the JVM as with earlier versions. This version is a used in the new DeliveranceMail subproject which is a JSP email server for scheduling HTML emails.

Posted by teknopaul 2003-01-16

JSP email application planned for the new year

At some point in the new year an email server that uses JSPs is planned. It is expected that the turn around will be quick since it is not a particularly demanding task to build. It will enable rapidly generating html emails with imbedded images using SJP syntax. Please submit feature requests to the mailing list.

Posted by teknopaul 2002-12-18

initial Alpha version released

The initial alpha release was released mainly due to the fact that the system has now been stable for specific tasks on production systems for a while. The code has not changed much other than some enhancements in the error reporting, more work is still needed on the error handling but it is possible to step through the .java files created from the JSP's so bug tracking has not been difficult in development.

Posted by teknopaul 2002-12-14