A portable and scalable SCADA/IIoT-I4.0 platform centered on the MongoDB database server.
To provide an easy to use, fully-featured, scalable, and portable SCADA/IIoT-I4.0 platform built by leveraging mainstream open-source IT tools.
This demo provides a public IEC 60870-5-104 server port on IP address (common address = 1) for testing.
The demo data is published as regular MQTT topics to the public broker mqtt://test.mosquitto.org:1883 (about 8600 topics in JsonScadaDemoVPS/# and ACME_Utility/#).
Data is also published as Sparkplug-B to mqtt://test.mosquitto.org:1883 (about 4300 device metrics in spBv1.0/Sparkplug B Devices/+/JSON-SCADA Server/#). Data/birth messages are compressed by Eclipse Tahu Javascript libs.