
Tree [f0ecd0] main /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .vscode 2024-08-12 Rui Monteiro Rui Monteiro [6ab27d] Reconfigured launch.json file
 include 2024-08-23 Rui Monteiro Rui Monteiro [e230be] Added Standard Deviation to the Stats reporting!
 single_include 2024-07-14 Rui Monteiro Rui Monteiro [ea8c15] Working sigle Include of nlohmann
 src 2024-08-24 Rui Monteiro Rui Monteiro [f0ecd0] Now drag is being reported whenever happens
 support 2024-08-15 Rui Monteiro Rui Monteiro [09c5f1] Clean code
 .gitignore 2024-07-14 Rui Monteiro Rui Monteiro [b7a9e8] Main file with List
 CMakeLists.txt 2024-08-15 Rui Monteiro Rui Monteiro [b0ad10] Redefined Sleep timer
 LICENSE 2024-07-14 Rui Monteiro Rui Monteiro [f1592d] Initial commit 2024-08-23 Rui Monteiro Rui Monteiro [c22eed] Improved readability and the if condition in th...
 _debugging_file.json 2024-08-12 Rui Monteiro Rui Monteiro [a16306] Working debugging json file
 main.cpp 2024-08-10 Rui Monteiro Rui Monteiro [2ddb4c] Drag and Delays
 midiSimpleNotes.json 2024-08-10 Rui Monteiro Rui Monteiro [2ddb4c] Drag and Delays 2024-08-04 Rui Monteiro Rui Monteiro [bae19c] Implemented the Library verbose option

Read Me


Very simple MIDI Player intended to be used to play JSON files created by JsonMidiCreator or directly by the generated dynamic library.


On Windows

  1. Download the Visual Studio 2017+ from
  2. While installing it, enable the C++ packages
  3. Download and install the cmake from
  4. Download and install the Git software from
  5. Create a new folder like C:\GitHub
  6. Open a command line in the folder created above by typing cmd in the windows folder path
  7. Type git clone in it to clone the repository

On Linux

  1. Install the fluidsynth and its fonts with sudo apt install fluidsynth fluid-soundfont-gm
  2. Load the font into it fluidsynth -v -a alsa /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2
  3. Create a GitHub directory and clone the repository into it with git clone

Compiling the repository

On Windows

Please note that for ctypes only the Visual Studio 2017+ is capable of generating working .dll files, the MinGW compiler isn't!
1. Create the folder build inside the repository folder
2. Open the command line inside the folder created above by typing cmd in the windows folder path
3. While in the build folder type these commands, one at a time:
cmake --no-warn-unused-cli -S .. -B . -T host=x64 -A x64
cmake --build . --config Release --target ALL_BUILD --

On Linux

  1. Create the directory build inside the repository directory
  2. Go to the directory created above and type the following commands, one at a time:
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release --no-warn-unused-cli -S.. -B.
    cmake --build . --config Release --target all --

Testing the build

On Windows

  1. Go to the repository folder .\build\Release\ and open the command line by typing cmd in the windows folder path
  2. Type the following command:
    JsonMidiPlayer.exe ..\..\midiSimpleNotes.json --verbose

On Linux

  1. go to the repository directory ./build/ and type the following command:
    ./JsonMidiPlayer.out ../midiSimpleNotes.json --verbose

Python library for JsonMidiCreator

It is possible to run this program directly from the JsonMidiCreator with the >> Play() operation, you just need to do the following.

On Windows

  1. Create the folder lib inside the cloned JsonMidiCreator repository
  2. Copy the file JsonMidiPlayer_ctypes.dll inside the folder .\build\lib\Release\ into the folder created above

On Linux

  1. Create the directory lib inside the cloned JsonMidiCreator repository
  2. Copy the file inside the directory ./build/lib/ into the directory created above

Midi Drag and Delays

The program is quite simple and light, it just loops a list so no much Drag or Delay shall be expected to happen.
Drag is the amount of time the entire playing got out of sync while Delay is just the amount of time each single midi message played out of tempo.

Example of reported Drag and Delay

Despite some delay, that didn't mean any drag in the example bellow.

Midi stats reporting:
        Total processed Midi Messages (sent):            611
        Total redundant Midi Messages (not sent):          0
        Total excluded Midi Messages (not sent):           0
        Total drag (ms):                                   0.000 \
        Total delay (ms):                                  4.349 /
        Maximum delay (ms):                                0.196 \
        Minimum delay (ms):                                0.000 /
        Average delay (ms):                                0.007 \
        Standard deviation of delays (ms):                 0.028 /