
Json-lib 2.4 Released

Dear Open Source Community,

I'm pleased to announce that Json-lib version 2.4 has been released.

JSON-lib is a java library for transforming beans, maps and XML to JSON and back again to beans and DynaBeans. It is based on the work by Douglas Crockford in


2843623 JSONObject.toBean does not process Lists
2652213 Groovy script JsonGroovyBuilder not working
3022109 JsonGroovyBuilder does not work from Groovy script
3030517 GJson.enhanceClasses() not working
2991816 Permgen memory leak with ThreadLocal
2692698 JSONSerializer.toJSON().toString() -> result != source
3047519 String start with "[" and end with "]" parsed error
2616780 Source is not passed to the NewBeanInstanceStrategy
3096454 Binaries and source files desynchronized
3052887 Sources jar not match json-lib-2.3-jdk15.jar
2131185 Allow bean processors to use json-lib's default processor. Thanks to Scott Bronson(provided patch)
2929940 Morphing elements in JSONArray.toCollection. Thanks to Arnout Engelen (provided patch)
2893329 A string starting and ending with quotes is badly parsed. Thanks to Sascha Theves (provided patch)
3022114 JsonGroovyBuilder does not work from Groovy script. Thanks to Sergey Bondarenko (provided patch)
3123950 Better support for parsing numbers. Thanks to Chirag Shah (provided patch)

Posted by aalmiray 2010-12-14

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