

David Cok

Development Environment

To create a fresh (Eclipse) development environment, perform these steps:

  • Create two new directories of your choosing: a repository ($REPO), an Eclipse workspace ($WSP)
  • Clone a copy of the project repository (replace ${USER} with your sourceforge username):
    hg clone ssh://${USER} $REPO
  • Launch Eclipse and choose $WSP as the workspace to use
  • Import the Eclipse projects that are in the repository
    • Choose File->Import from the Eclipse menubar
    • Double click Mercurial->Projects from Local Mercurial Repository
    • Browse to $REPO as the root directory
    • Click 'Finish'

TBD - does each project have its own branch? is it set to default or might it be release?

The procedure above produces 4 Eclipse projects:

  • SMT contains the jSMTLIB library, including the Main program for the command-line tool
  • SMTPlugin contains the GUI code for the Eclipse plug-in; it uses the SMT project
  • SMTFeature and SMTUpdateSite are used just for publishing the plug-in