
JSKIT / News: Recent posts

JSKIT version 0.5 released

Version 0.5 of JSKIT is available for download and testing.

With this new release, the project is one step closer to the first 1.x release.

Changes from the previous release:
* Added "FormData" component for storing form data without displaying it (similar to input type=hidden)
* Added "PasswordField" component for entering passwords
* "jskit.php" is available for including all script files at once
* All test files (test.html, test_submit.php) were moved to the "test" directory
* test.html was modified to use jskit.php... read more

Posted by CodingIsCool 2007-03-09

JSKIT website

So far, JSKIT had no website, however this is going to change soon. Work is beeing done to make a website for this project. There are still some problems concerning the complexity of this website and if it will actually use JSKIT for its base functions. Hopefully, you will be able to see a website for the project very soon.

Posted by CodingIsCool 2007-03-08

JSKIT version 0.4 released

JSKIT version 0.4 is available for download. The following changes were made:

* "Form" component was added
* "DataSource" object was added
* The "Form" component is integrated with the "DataSource" object to support automatic loading/uploading of data
* For parsing XML in javascript, JSKIT uses the XMLJS project, hosted on sourceforge: read more

Posted by CodingIsCool 2007-03-08

JSKIT version 0.3 released

JSKIT version 0.3 is available. Changes in this version:

* Added a FormComponent object that will be the base for all form elements
* Added a CheckBox object
* Added a RadioButton object
* Added a RadioGroup object

This is still a development version. You are invited to download and play with this version, but you should not use it in a production environment.

Posted by CodingIsCool 2007-02-24

JSKIT 0.2 Screenshots

Two screenshots of the demo application written using JSKIT 0.2 were uploaded. You can look at these screenshots to see how easy it is to write a rather complex application using JSKIT.

Posted by CodingIsCool 2007-02-23

TabbedPane component added to JSKIT

* A new version of JSKIT is available. It contains a TabbedPane component.

* Other modifications were made to the base "Component" object.

* By adding this complex object (the TabbedPane object), it was made clear that the current structure of JSKIT is well suited for further development.

* In the next release, you'll probably find more basic, but required, components (like radio buttons, checkboxes).... read more

Posted by CodingIsCool 2007-02-23

First release of JSKIT

JSKIT is a framework for developing web based applications. It's written mainly in JavaScript with some optional modules in PHP. Today (22 February 2007) was release the first public version. This version is intended only for testing and not for production use. New features or changes to existing code will be made during the next few weeks until a 1.0 release will be available.

Posted by CodingIsCool 2007-02-22