Jeremy D. Monin - 2011-11-01

Today we've released JSettlers version 1.1.13.

This version adds several minor conveniences, and these new features:
- New option to play 2-4 player games on the 6-player board
- Button to Undo Bank Trade, in case the wrong resource is clicked

Along with these minor enhancements and bug fixes:

- Game name maximum length is 30, was 20 previously
- Dice number layout is now clockwise or counterclockwise from 1 of
     several corners; previously always the same corner same direction.
- Show your player's total resource count (Rowan idea)
- 6-player board: Chat ease of use: Focus on text input field when any text area is clicked;
     to put the cursor in the text areas instead of the input field, click there again.
- Remember the player checkboxes chosen in previous trade offer
- If new game options require a certain version, don't warn unless the required version
     is newer than 1.1.08 (released January 2010).
- Warn on server startup if robots take up most of maxConnections
- On server startup, show each property's description
- If the graphical PlayerClient starts a server, the "server is running" text on-screen
     now also says "Click for info" (D Sawyer idea)
- New debug command for robots:  botname:print-vars
- If server forces a robot to end its turn, will print the bot's brain status
      variables and last two turns' received messages before it forces the end.
- If game is in progress, joining/leaving people also announced in chat area (less clutter there)
- Don't echo info commands like *STATS* to all players
- Add current total connection count to *STATS* (including connections not yet named)
- When clients arrive or depart, show both the named & total current connection count
      on console "(7,9)"; previously showed only named connections "(7)"
- Bugfix: If observer closes the game window, shouldn't ask them if want to keep playing
- Bugfix: Show "(cannot join)" in client's game list for unjoinable games sent when client connects
- Bugfix: Truncating a long player name, don't drop the first character
- New game option backwards-compatibility framework: allows use of some new game options (like PLB)
      with older clients, by changing related option values (like PL) sent to those old clients.
- Rename SOCGame.isLocal field to .isPractice
- License upgrade to GPL v3

Thank you and enjoy,