
JSettlers 2.5.00 released

New JSettlers version 2.5.00 has been released at and . From there you can download runnable JARs to play against bots or set up a server, or download the full source code.

Version 2.5.00 contains these features and fixes:

  • Gameplay:
    • Road Building: If player cancels placement or ends turn before placing the first free road or ship,
      the dev card is returned to their hand
    • When a trade is offered to bots and humans, bots wait longer before responding.
      Was 3 seconds, is now 8, changeable with server property
      (thank you Lee Passey)
    • Recalc Longest Route when building coastal settlement to connect a player's roads to ships
      (thanks kotc for reporting issue #95)
    • Pirate Islands scenario: Ship placement: Fix client bug where placing a coastal ship
      next to a road would prevent any further ship building, based on "no branches in route" rule
    • Through the Desert scenario: No longer incorrectly gives 2 SVP to a player
      building a settlement within the desert (thanks kotc for reporting #86)
    • If knight card is played by bot, then returned because bot is unresponsive,
      server updates their army size and largest army (thanks kotc for reporting #91)
  • I18N:
    • Added French translation (thank you Lee Passey)
  • Client:
    • Game window:
      • Added hotkey Ctrl-B/Alt-B/Cmd-B to ask to Special Build in 6-player game
      • Hand Panel: Shrink unused space above trading squares
      • Board panel: Better performance and quicker resizing, thanks to tiehfood's discussion in github issue #84
      • Discards: List resources you discarded, not just total amount, in game action textarea
      • Forgotten Tribe scenario: Much less flicker while placing gift ports
      • Chat panel: If text to be sent contains |, show a popup to say that can't be sent
    • New Game dialog:
      • If server has increased default VP to win, use that as minimum when picking a scenario
    • If client starts a TCP server, keep it running; previous versions timed out after being idle an hour
      (thanks kotc for reporting issue #81)
    • Linux/Unix: Use sub-pixel font antialiasing if available (thanks kotc for issue #92)
  • Bots/AI:
    • Shorten pause after bot requests a bank trade
  • Server:
    • During game reset, don't send chat recap: Chat text is still in clients' game windows
    • If default VP is set on command line or properties, will also be minimum VP for any scenario
    • Other server changes: see
  • Other changes: see
Posted by Jeremy D. Monin 2022-01-01

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