
JSettlers 2.2.00 released

New JSettlers version 2.2.00 has been released at and . From there you can download runnable JARs to play against bots or set up a server, or download the full source code.

Version 2.2.00 contains these features and fixes:

  • Client:
    • Game window:
    • Remember recently sent chat text; browse history with Up/Down arrow keys in input field (based on Chad McHenry idea)
    • At end of game, reveal VP cards in players' hand panels
    • If user clicks board to dismiss the right-click build menu, don't show "to build pieces, right-click" reminder dialog
  • Server:
    • *STATS* command: Send client how long they've been connected and, if at least 1 game won or lost, their win-loss count for this session
    • If client joins a game that's already over, send final scores and revealed VP cards
    • Let debug user also chat and run commands while observing a game
    • SQLite database:
    • For convenience, if JVM properties don't contain org.sqlite.tmpdir but that property is set in file or command line, copy it into JVM properties

For more details please see the list of changes for 2.2.00 at

Posted by Jeremy D. Monin 2020-03-22

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