
JSettlers / News: Recent posts

JSettlers 2.6.00 released

New JSettlers version 2.6.00 has been released at and . From there you can download runnable JARs to play against bots or set up a server, or download the full source code.

Version 2.6.00 contains these features and fixes:

  • I18N:
    • Added Polish translation (thank you KotCzarny)
  • Client:
    • Game window:
      • Moving robber: If hex is desert, don't ask "are you sure" when you have an adjacent settlement/city
      • Less flicker while resizing window
    • More consistent sound quality on Windows 10
  • Game *STATS*: Show player's resource totals given/received with ports, bank, other players
    if client and server are v2.6.00 or newer
  • Other changes: see
Posted by Jeremy D. Monin 2022-06-22

JSettlers 2.5.00 released

New JSettlers version 2.5.00 has been released at and . From there you can download runnable JARs to play against bots or set up a server, or download the full source code.

Version 2.5.00 contains these features and fixes:

  • Gameplay:
    • Road Building: If player cancels placement or ends turn before placing the first free road or ship,
      the dev card is returned to their hand
    • When a trade is offered to bots and humans, bots wait longer before responding.
      Was 3 seconds, is now 8, changeable with server property
      (thank you Lee Passey)
    • Recalc Longest Route when building coastal settlement to connect a player's roads to ships
      (thanks kotc for reporting issue #95)
    • Pirate Islands scenario: Ship placement: Fix client bug where placing a coastal ship
      next to a road would prevent any further ship building, based on "no branches in route" rule
    • Through the Desert scenario: No longer incorrectly gives 2 SVP to a player
      building a settlement within the desert (thanks kotc for reporting #86)
    • If knight card is played by bot, then returned because bot is unresponsive,
      server updates their army size and largest army (thanks kotc for reporting #91)
  • I18N:
    • Added French translation (thank you Lee Passey)
  • Client:
    • Game window:
      • Added hotkey Ctrl-B/Alt-B/Cmd-B to ask to Special Build in 6-player game
      • Hand Panel: Shrink unused space above trading squares
      • Board panel: Better performance and quicker resizing, thanks to tiehfood's discussion in github issue #84
      • Discards: List resources you discarded, not just total amount, in game action textarea
      • Forgotten Tribe scenario: Much less flicker while placing gift ports
      • Chat panel: If text to be sent contains |, show a popup to say that can't be sent
    • New Game dialog:
      • If server has increased default VP to win, use that as minimum when picking a scenario
    • If client starts a TCP server, keep it running; previous versions timed out after being idle an hour
      (thanks kotc for reporting issue #81)
    • Linux/Unix: Use sub-pixel font antialiasing if available (thanks kotc for issue #92)
  • Bots/AI:
    • Shorten pause after bot requests a bank trade
  • Server:
    • During game reset, don't send chat recap: Chat text is still in clients' game windows
    • If default VP is set on command line or properties, will also be minimum VP for any scenario
    • Other server changes: see
  • Other changes: see
Posted by Jeremy D. Monin 2022-01-01

JSettlers 2.4.00 released

New JSettlers version 2.4.00 has been released at and . From there you can download runnable JARs to play against bots or set up a server, or download the full source code.

Version 2.4.00 contains these features and fixes:

  • Gameplay:
    • Pirate can be placed next to any coastline, even those near edge of board
    • For consistency, calculate Longest Route and Largest Army only at server, not also at client
  • Client:
    • Add client preference: Remember face icon when changed
    • Game window: Game stats: If player leaves at end of game, keep showing their statistics
  • Server:
    • If connecting client has limited features, send all unsupported game options as unknowns
  • Network/Message traffic:
    • When client joins a game:
      • Server sends players' current trade offers
    • Bugfix: When client is v1.x, send seat lock state CLEAR_ON_RESET as UNLOCKED not LOCKED
      so they can take over a "marked" bot seat
  • Other changes: see
Posted by Jeremy D. Monin 2020-07-06

JSettlers 2.2.00 released

New JSettlers version 2.2.00 has been released at and . From there you can download runnable JARs to play against bots or set up a server, or download the full source code.

Version 2.2.00 contains these features and fixes:

  • Client:
    • Game window:
    • Remember recently sent chat text; browse history with Up/Down arrow keys in input field (based on Chad McHenry idea)
    • At end of game, reveal VP cards in players' hand panels
    • If user clicks board to dismiss the right-click build menu, don't show "to build pieces, right-click" reminder dialog
  • Server:
    • *STATS* command: Send client how long they've been connected and, if at least 1 game won or lost, their win-loss count for this session
    • If client joins a game that's already over, send final scores and revealed VP cards
    • Let debug user also chat and run commands while observing a game
    • SQLite database:
    • For convenience, if JVM properties don't contain org.sqlite.tmpdir but that property is set in file or command line, copy it into JVM properties... read more
Posted by Jeremy D. Monin 2020-03-22

JSettlers 2.0.00 released

Major new JSettlers version 2.0.00 has been released at and . From there you can download runnable JARs to play against bots or set up a server, or download the full source code.

Version 2.0.00 contains these features and fixes:

  • Large sea board, including ships and Seafarers scenarios
  • Game Scenario and special-rules support
  • I18N framework in place, with Spanish translation so far (initial framework thanks to Luis A. Ramirez)
  • High-DPI support based on screen resolution, user preference, or running with JVM parameter -Djsettlers.uiScale=2
  • Added second set of hex graphics; in new-game options, can choose Classic or the new set (contributed by qubodup)
  • Client and server refactoring... read more
Posted by Jeremy D. Monin 2020-01-03

JSettlers 1.2.00 released

JSettlers version 1.2.00 has been released at and . From there you can download runnable JARs to play against bots or set up a server, or download the full source code.

Version 1.2.00 contains these features and fixes:

  • Simple sound effects for game events: Start of client player's turn, resource stolen by robber, etc
  • Game windows have same size as previous game if resized, not small default size
  • Re-word trade offers to clarify who would give which resources
  • Persistent client preferences for settings like sound effects and game window size
  • Optional database Schema Upgrade, adds:
    • Game stats: Winner, duration, options, etc
    • BCrypt password hashing
    • Case-insensitive usernames/nicknames ... read more
Posted by Jeremy D. Monin 2017-10-26

JSettlers 1.1.20 released

JSettlers version 1.1.20 has been released at . From there you can download runnable JARs to play against bots or set up a server, or download the full source code which is also at .

Version 1.1.20 contains these features and fixes:

  • Game board graphics updated to be smoother when window resized
  • For new players: When game starts, clicking the board reminds you to right-click to build
  • Bots no longer leave practice games after 4 hours idle
  • For server config, new optional properties file
  • Server can set Game Option defaults on command line or properties file
  • If using an optional user database, easier password reset
  • Server admins can list all currently connected users with command *WHO* *
    or any game's members with *WHO* gamename... read more
Posted by Jeremy D. Monin 2016-10-29

JSettlers 1.0.6 released

The JSettlers team is proud to release version 1.0.6!

JSettlers is a web-based version of the board game Settlers of Catan
written in Java. This client-server system supports multiple
simultaneous games between people and computer-controlled
opponents. Initially created as an AI research project.

The client may be run as a Java application, or as an applet when
accessed from a web site which also hosts a JSettlers server.... read more

Posted by Chad McHenry 2004-11-17

JSettlers 1.0.5 released

The JSettlers team is proud to release version 1.0.5!

JSettlers is a web-based version of the board game Settlers of Catan
written in Java. This client-server system supports multiple
simultaneous games between people and computer-controlled
opponents. Initially created as an AI research project.

The client may be run as a Java application, or as an applet when
accessed from a web site which also hosts a JSettlers server.... read more

Posted by Chad McHenry 2004-06-12

Version 1.0.2

Fixes the display bug that was supposed to be fixed in version 1.0.1. Not sure what happened there.

Posted by Robert Thomas 2004-03-26

Version 1.0.1

Wow, two days up and already a bug fix! Version 1.0.1 fixes a display bug in the player client that occcurs when run as a stand alone app.

Posted by Robert Thomas 2004-03-17