
Faster Java Serialization / News: Recent posts

Benchmark for Faster Java Serialization v0.22 now available!

The Faster Java Serialization (aka JSerial) is a library that proposes a faster serialization mechanism through bytecode generation.

The benchmark results for the initial version of the project are now available at the project Home Page:

Posted by Leonardo A. G. Mesquita 2006-10-28

Project "Faster Java Serialization" v0.22 (initial) released

The initial version of "Faster Java Serialization" project has been released.

The "Faster Java Serialization" project aims to provide faster Java serialization by
inspecting classes and generating tailor made serialization code on the fly, that is
reused for every object of the same class.

Objects are serialized to a NIO ByteBuffer, eliminating the need for numerous
memory copies that take place during normal serialization to files or network. ... read more

Posted by Leonardo A. G. Mesquita 2006-10-20