Activity for Jseki

  • Ruediger Klehn Ruediger Klehn posted a comment on ticket #3

    For the latest version of my fixes see I've uploaded JsekiTsumego 0.5.1-b141.jar More problems, nice sound. Ruediger from Luebeck

  • Ruediger Klehn Ruediger Klehn posted a comment on ticket #5

    Added: nice sound, and you see the same question only 2 times in a row (if answered wrong) before you see the next question. see: Ruediger

  • Ruediger Klehn Ruediger Klehn posted a comment on ticket #6

    Done - see Ruediger

  • Ruediger Klehn Ruediger Klehn posted a comment on ticket #3

    This bug was really nasty. Took some time to get it, together with the side effects. A new version with bug fixes and added features can be found: I've named it version 0.5.0 .The last-card-problem is gone, the lost-card-problem either, you can reset the settings, if the program doesn't anymore start, and some more bugs are gone. I added also some features, e.g. nice sound for right/wrong, some more categories, problem files, it remembers the last...

  • Ruediger Klehn Ruediger Klehn posted a comment on ticket #2

    To those, who are interested: This and some more problems in JsekiTsumego have been corrected by me (bug hunting was a lot of work). I have also added some features. You can look at the program and the code (in the .jar): ; (it is currently version "0.5.0"). The page has the download together with the description of some features. If Ross wants to take the program back, he can offer this version here in his area. Ruediger from Luebeck