
jSegue / News: Recent posts

jSegue released

This newest release includes the following changes:

* BUGFIX: calling a COM method with one or more parameters defined in IDL as "[out] UINT*" would result in a COM exception of TYPE_MISMATCH when called from Java.

* BUGFIX: calling a COM method with more than one parameter and that included at least one [out] parameter (i.e. by-ref, VT_BYREF) would do the wrong thing. If all parameters were [out] parameters, the return values would be stuffed in the out variables in reverse order.... read more

Posted by Todd Fiala 2010-04-30

jSegue Released

The two most recent features are including Ben Schultz patch which fixes VT_BYREF | VT_DISPATCH and adding support for VT_UI8. The native code was compiled with Visual Studio 2005. A VC++ 6.0 compile was not done. I think its time to deprecate supporting that compiler.

Posted by Robert Hastings 2010-01-17

jSegue released

This is a minor maintaince release. One new feature is that you can now implement ISpecifyPropertyPages and IPropertyPage in java and have your pages appear in OleCreatePropertyFrame hosts.

Also, note the we have posted Clover coverage reports on our project web page.

Posted by Robert Hastings 2006-03-18

jSegue released

The release of jSegue is a major release.

The main new feature in the release gives Java developers the ability to write Java objects and have those Java objects serve as COM servers. Thus, the Java objects are CoCreateable in both Java and native applications that utilize COM. As such, Java objects can be loaded and executed by applications written in C++.

This release also adds the JavaLauncher native application. The JavaLauncher launches - calls main - on any class configured in a corresponding file. Accordingly, a developer can rename JavaLauncher.exe and to foo.exe and respectively to lauch a java application with the process name of "foo".... read more

Posted by Adam 2006-02-03

jSegue released

The main new feature of this release is the abiltity to merge custom javadoc comments into the generated bindings. This release also includes many minor bug fixes.

Posted by Robert Hastings 2005-07-20

jSegue- Released

jSegue- has been released. This release fixes a memory leak in generated code that processes SAFEARRAYs. In addition, users can now pass null down to -disp_only generated bindings. Please see the release notes for a complete list of enhancements and fixes.

Posted by Adam 2005-03-01

jSegue Released

Fixes support for [out] SAFEARRAY of BSTR, and DATE. Adds support for multi-dimensional SAFEARRAYs.

Posted by Robert Hastings 2004-11-04

jSegue Released

tlb2java can now generate IDispatch only bindings so that you can access OLE Automation servers without having to compile new JNI code. There have also been many other small changes, see the change log here:

Posted by Robert Hastings 2004-10-20

jSegue Released

jSegue has gone to the Production/Stable state with this release. But there's more, we've added support for Java listeners to COM Connection Point sources, and fleshed out our support for more COM types with JUnit tests for almost all VARIANT types.

Posted by Robert Hastings 2004-06-18

JUnit Tests Published on Home Page

We've published our JUnit test results on our project home page.

Posted by Robert Hastings 2004-05-15

jSegue web documentation updated

The site has been overhauled and common task help has been added for h-gen

Posted by Robert Hastings 2004-05-13

.NET C++ compiler support added

You can now build jSegue with either Visual C++ 6.0 sp6 or .NET (2003)

Posted by Robert Hastings 2004-05-12