
Under New Management

Adrian has kindly allowed me to take over administration of jseditor, sometime in the next few weeks the source will be available in CVS, a 2.0 version will appear with the following features:

So far I've added keyword hi lighting and global variables in the outline and recognition for OO development in JS. (ie functions who's prototypes are extended, or the this reference is used to assign to a new variable, show up as classes in the outline. I'll send you a screenshot on Monday.)


function Person(name, age)
{ = name;
this.age = age;

Outlines as:

O - Person
|-o Person(name, age)
|-. name
\-. age

And if we add:


The outline should be:

O - Person
|-o Person(name, age)
|-. name
|-. age
\-o showName()

Supported OO outline features are:

- Constructor
- Class methods
- Instance methods
- Class variables
- Instance variables

Other new features:

- Global variables in outline
- syntax hi lighting for keywords
- General code maintainance:

- Some classes have been renamed for consistency
- The partition scanner has been refactored into two classes:

JSPartitionScanner for hi lighting
JSSyntaxScanner for syntactic elements: classes, functions, methods, variables etc.

Posted by Alex Fitzpatrick 2003-05-26

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