
Searchy / News: Recent posts

New Searchy web site

We are proud to announce that Searchy web site has been completely modified. It has a new design with a more atractive look, updated contents and more info about Searchy project.

We hope that this new web site will ease the use of Searchy and will provide a better service to the Searchy comunity.

You can visit the new web site at

Posted by David F. Barrero 2005-06-28

Released Searchy 2.0

This release incorporates important new features: partial ontology support, simplier SOAP interface, better performance, trivial map, better code.
Partial ontology support is a key feature that has increased Searchy potential to new horizons. Instread of being a resource location tool, Searchy is now a true heterogeneus information ingration tool.

Posted by David F. Barrero 2005-03-11

Released Searchy 1.0

After two years of development, the first full stable version of Searchy has been liberated. This is a great moment for Searchy.

Posted by David F. Barrero 2005-01-18

Searchy wins NAI Award

In 2nd December 2004 were released the award winners of the IV NAI (New Applications for Internet) edition. Searchy project recieved the second award in this edition.
NAI Awards are hold by the Politecnic University of Madrid and Telefonica and the JURADO are the most important experts in the field of new technologies of Internet in Spain.
More information about this event can be reached in

Posted by David F. Barrero 2004-12-12

A logo for Searchy!

Thanks to Ana Saiz, Searchy now has a cool logo, made, of course, with Gimp :). You can enjoy it in Searchy's home page, we encorage you to visit our web site.

Posted by David F. Barrero 2004-11-16

Searchy version 1.0 beta 2 released

Searchy v1.0beta2 is now available for downloads.

Posted by David F. Barrero 2004-09-12