Things i did to get jse to work with the antlr 2.7.3

Cleared the build dir
Cleared the lib dir and placed the current versions there (ant-1.6.1 antlr-2.7.3 junit-3.8.1)

changed antlr rule to
<arg line="-o ${antlr_src} ${src}/java.g"/>
<pathelement location="${lib}/antlr.jar"/>
<arg line="${src}/java.g" -o ${antlr_src}/>
<pathelement location="${lib}/antlr-tool.jar"/>

throws IOException from JavaTokenLexer

throws antlr.TokenStreamException to LooseFragementParser

Still loads of javadoc errors left

this fixes alot of problems caused by the incompatiblities introduced by this antlr version compared to earlier.