

  • Matthew Pocock

    Matthew Pocock - 2004-05-27


    I'm thinking of using JSE in the development of a new library I'm working on. There's a load of boiler-plate code that needs generating, and the @Annotation magic in Java 1.5 only covers part of the problem (annotating code & generating extra classes & files, but not modifying the current ones). I was wondering...

    1) What is the status of JSE - is it safe to start relying on it for a major project?

    2) What license is it under? Is this compattible with lGPL?

    3) Is there any integration between JSE and IDEs (I use IntelliJ IDEA)?

    Thanks, and happy coding.


    • Tom White

      Tom White - 2004-06-01

      Thanks for your interest in JSE.

      1. JSE is not yet production strength, and the API will possibly change quite radically so I would say it is for experimentation only at present.

      2. GPL. This was imposed by the creator Jonathan Bachrach, although there has been talk of changing it to  something more liberal. However, GPL may not be the end of the world:

      3. No integration yet. I use eclipse - so that would be the one I would tackle first. I would happily add any contibuted plugins to the distribution.




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