
Java Binding for SDL / News: Recent posts

Project renamed

The project has now been renamed to "sdljava". Please look there for updates in the future!

Posted by Ivan Ganza 2004-11-24

New maintainer/Project resurrected


This weekend I have taken over maintence of this project. I performing a complete rewrite of the code (reusing what I can from the original source).

Posted by Ivan Ganza 2004-11-22

Fresh source code in CVS

You will find support for fonts (SFont-1.5) and for IMG_Load (SDL_Image-1.2.1). So now you can load images from nearly any format and write any kind of text in any kind of font.


Posted by Jerome G. Fillon 2002-07-23

demo page released.

Now anyone can test jsdl applets on

Posted by Jerome G. Fillon 2001-05-13

Asking for demomakers

I'm gonna ask for help about demos.
I want to have many many demos running with jsdl.

Posted by Jerome G. Fillon 2001-05-11

Test test test

Please create your own or modify existing tests when you are adding new features or fixing bugs. Check the package in test.junit.

It's better to have some tests (even partially) than a great idea of planning some tests.


Posted by Jerome G. Fillon 2001-05-06

SDLCursor, SDLOverlay,...

Support for others api in the video module has been added. Support for SDLCursor, SDLOverlay...
Tests with a junit framework have been added.

Posted by Jerome G. Fillon 2001-05-06

SDL 1.2, CDRom and WManager

This version has been compiled with SDL 1.2. Now we have support for CDRom and the WindowManager (This feature is said to be available on X11 only.)


Posted by Jerome G. Fillon 2001-04-27

First Release

Just the very first and initial release. Even if everything is not implemented yet, you can do a couple of cool things.


Posted by Jerome G. Fillon 2001-04-16