
JS DEFENSE / News: Recent posts

Version 1.2.2

- Some improvements to presentation
- Added a techno album as selectable music theme
- Solved important ajax loading sync issue.

Posted by mizar_sf 2010-03-07

Version 1.2.1

- Improved compatibility with Chrome
- The positioning of the window is now on the top left corner, so the canvas does make troubles when resizing the browser.
- Added a framework to customize music theme (embbedding external music contents)
- Opera compatibility is broken (jquery issues ??).

Posted by mizar_sf 2010-02-28

Version 1.2.0

- Added a map (new medium level, the previous medium map is promoted to expert map)
- Added framework to optimize distance calculations, with subdivision of the game area into influence zones.
- Added a new chip (the killer chip : high(deadly) damage and slow firerate, over 5 seconds.).
- Added explosion effect when an enemy is killed.
- Removed the random electric sparkle effect, for optimization purposes, during the game you had'nt time to notice it.

Posted by mizar_sf 2010-02-23

Added a Jamendo Box and an Help box

Versions : 1.1.1
-Now the game has a jamendo iframe to play music, if you want to hear some music.

-Added an help dialog explaing what a tower defense game is.

-Added the choice of two maps (easy and medium difficulty).

Posted by mizar_sf 2010-02-18

New effect : earthquake

Added a new earthquake effect when the enemy reaches the end of the path and damages the player.

Posted by mizar_sf 2010-02-15