
Feature Requests  Maximize  Restore

Showing 11 results of 11

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
11 Move to github Next Release (example) open 2019-11-27 2020-05-26  
10 Signature with an external private key Next Release (example) open Atsuhiko Yamanaka 2019-01-12 2019-01-12  
9 Multiple forwardings per session Next Release (example) open 2018-11-15 2018-11-15  
8 Forwarding sockets Next Release (example) open 2018-11-15 2020-07-10  
7 Add support for Ed25519 keys and bcrypt KDF format Next Release (example) open 2015-12-15 2019-11-27  
6 Exception text should hold security critical diagnosis info None open 2012-09-21 2012-09-21  
5 Add support for ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 host keys None open 2011-08-19 2013-10-15  
4 jsch.addIdentity(InputStream) please None open 2008-02-05 2008-02-05  
3 ChannelSftp.LsEntry - should be a Public class None open 2005-10-28 2005-10-28  
2 Supply more meaningful exception messages None open 2004-10-15 2004-10-15  
1 Support for openssh keepalive (ClientAliveInterval) None open 2003-02-11 2003-02-11  
  • Ticket Number
  • Summary
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  • Status
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