I am using jsch-0.1.50.zip with apache mina running on Windows 7. Whenever I try to do an ls I get an SftpException with "4" and nothing else. I tried to debug and see that its failing on
SftpATTRS attr=_stat(upath); in ChannelSftp.java (line 1566).
I can execute a put command successfully, but can't do an 'ls'. I've tried
I am using jsch-0.1.50.zip with apache mina running on Windows 7. Whenever I try to do an ls I get an SftpException with "4" and nothing else. I tried to debug and see that its failing on
SftpATTRS attr=_stat(upath); in ChannelSftp.java (line 1566).
I can execute a put command successfully, but can't do an 'ls'. I've tried
c:\blah\blah\ c:/blah/blah
If I scp from my windows box to a linux box, then it works successfully. Can anyway help with this?