
Request for comments

  • Andi McLean

    Andi McLean - 2007-03-06


    As the author / maintainer of this project I was just wondering what thought everyone had about the project.
    Is it useful / rubbish / Ok but needs some improvements.

    The library as it stands covers everything I need it to, but I'm sure that there are lots of ways it could be improved.

    So let me know, constructive criticism welcomed.


    • Giuseppe Sacco

      Giuseppe Sacco - 2007-03-15

      I cannot remember very well currently, but I had a problem on image sizes. I wrote an application that always scan in black and white, bug using jsane i got 24 or 8bit images (I cannot remember) instead of bilevel. I also remember a similar problem when scanning in greylist mode.


      • Andi McLean

        Andi McLean - 2007-04-04

        I think that's been solved, Could you check and file a bug report if it still happens.


    • timmah

      timmah - 2007-04-04

      We are evaluating this for a scanning and document managment project.  It looks great so far, so much easier to use than the JNI we were dealing with.  Would be happy to help with documentation.

      • Andi McLean

        Andi McLean - 2007-04-04

        That's great.
        There is a tutorial at
        Let me know if you need any help, or you encounter any problems.
        Are there any features missing?

        Thanks for your interest.

    • McAviti

      McAviti - 2007-05-28

      I will have a look into this API, looks very promising to me. I'm curious whether i get my ADF working, that's an essential part of the little DMS i'm working on.
      Thanks for your work, anyway.

      • Andi McLean

        Andi McLean - 2007-05-29

        I have had it working with a dual side ADF, let me know if you have any problems. I'll see if I can help

        • McAviti

          McAviti - 2007-06-17

          Yep, ADF works very well now, i've got just a single-sided ADF, but went very smooth, really good.
          I'll have a look at the options GUI now, I'd like to persist the options the user chooses, what do you think about that?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-06-02

    Is there ADF support in your library?  Normal scanning is Great!

  • Andi McLean

    Andi McLean - 2010-06-02

    You just need to keep calling getFrame();

    You'll either get null of an exception when there are no more frames to get. I can't remember from the top of my head.

    This project had been very quiet for a while.

  • grayson

    grayson - 2012-03-12

    hmm damn, i used your library for a long time now but somehow the JSane_No_Docs_Exception is not longer thrown when scanning ADF… it just keeps scanning empty pages.

    So is there a way to manually ask the device if there are docs in the feeder instead of waiting for an exception?


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