
jSai :Servlet Authentication / News: Recent posts

LDAP Testing.

The main reason that I haven't released v0.8 (aside from time) is that I have not been able to test the LDAP autherntication enough. I currently have been able to test binding as the user being authenticated against my internal LDAP server (which is supporting a Samba 2 network). Anyone have ideas/suggestions for this? I am not very familiar with LDAP (or JNDI for that matter), but I am willing to learn.

Posted by Robert Sanders 2004-06-08

License Switch

Along with the latest bug fix (0.5.2) jSai has switched to the Apache License, Version 2.0. After much thought, and carefull rereading of the LGPL, I decided that it was simply a little too strict for what I wanted.

Posted by Robert Sanders 2004-03-22

Upcoming release

I hoped to have a new release (version 0.5) out this past weekend, but ran out of energy. I should be able to get this out by next weekend, so stay tuned; the next release will feature some major improvements to v0.3. (Note: 'cause of the pain of getting the cvs to work from windows, I am working out of a seperate CVS, although I will try to import the new release code into the cvs repository when I make the releases.

Posted by Robert Sanders 2004-01-13