The mathematical operation X divided by Y, represented as X / Y, results in the quotient, commonly known as the division of X by Y. The term "DIV" is often used in computer programming to represent integer division, where only the whole number part of the division is considered, discarding any remainder. If you have any more questions or need further clarification about mathematical operations, feel free to ask, and I'll be happy to assist you. Regards: 16 hours from now
Thanks for sharing the project Do you mean "how to get the position of a block by javascript"? In this case you can use the function findBlock("your block id") to get the Block object associated with the block, then, use "top()" and "left()" functions to get Y and X coordinates. You can also get the block's dimensions using "width()" and "height()" functions. RipenApps is a well-known mobile app development company in UK. They specialize in developing custom mobile applications for various platforms,...
RipenApps is a well-known mobile app development company in UK. They specialize in developing custom mobile applications for various platforms, including iOS, Android, and cross-platform solutions. RipenApps has earned a reputation for delivering high-quality mobile app solutions to businesses and organizations across different industries.
Check this answer on the same page it has Apache licence:
Support on Touch or Mobile Devices
Hello, I use js-graph-it for network connection diagrams and I have display troubles....
I have managed to solve the issue with z-index, by assigning higher value for the...
I have managed to solve the issue with z-index, by assigning higher value for the...
Greetings ! I am trying to use rhomb as a graphic represenation of a block element....
Greetings ! I am trying to use rhomb as a graphic represenation of a block element....
Greetings ! I am trying to use rhomb as a graphic represenation of a block element....
Greetings ! I am trying to use rhomb as a graphic represenation of a block element....
Greetings ! I am trying to use rhomb as a graphic represenation of a block element....
Greetings ! I am trying to use rhomb as a graphic represenation of a block element....
Greetings ! I am trying to use rhomb as a graphic represenation of a block element....
Greetings ! I am trying to use rhomb as a graphic represenation of a block element....
Greetings ! I am trying to use rhomb as a graphic represenation of a block element....
Hi, am I right that the license of this nice little library allows me to modify and...
hi, i just needed the same thing :) I made it like this: 1 - Modify the the js-graph-it...
hi, i just needed the same thing :) I made it like this: Modify the the js-graph-it...
Already fixed it. There was a misconfiguration of block class. I changed css position...
I have a sequence of questions and deviations dependents of choices that users make....
I have been using the great code you've written to build an app that allows the user...
Hello! I had to use pseudo-elements to alter block shape. How to change code to append...
Hi Amine, the arrows a fully customizables, it's a set of PNG images, check it out:...
Connectors should be equally spaced at the block sides.
Is there a way to change the style of arrow (straight arrows, ...) ?
EDIT x2 : Revised code to also account for window scroll offset. EDIT: Apologies...
EDIT: Apologies for poor topic... cant edit now. Thanks for a great library! I have...
Thanks for a great library! I have a situation where a side panel in a web application...
Thanks for a great library! I have a situation where a side panel in a web application...
Thanks for a great library! I have a situation where a side panel in a web application...
What worked for my simple implementation with one canvas div. NOTE: if only using...
What worked for my simple implementation with one canvas div. NOTE: if only using...
What worked for my simple implementation with one canvas div. NOTE: if only using...
Hi, found the same thing. What solved it for me - Setting the main canvas css visibility:...
Hi- may be of use to someone else. I tested on: (please add yours) Chrome Version...
Licence changed to ASL 2.0
Hi, I'm glad to hear you chose to use my project. I hope it's not too late, I just...
Adding mobile events.
Hi, the Stratosphere project ( is using the library....
Hi Radhuraman, Can you please share an example of how you used this? I've tried using...