
jRRD / News: Recent posts

jRRD is back

After a small "black hole" period, jRRD is back with a new version (0.2) and a new web site (powered by maven),
The new web site is not fully complete (some sample usage are still missing) but the new jRRD version can now read 0003 rrd version and should be 64bits aware.

Posted by Christophe Furmaniak 2009-11-01

Committed bug fix for archive with multiple data sources

Fix kindly submitted by Juraj Sucik. Committed to CVS HEAD.

Posted by Ciaran Treanor 2005-10-10

mail problems

If you've sent a mail to recently and not received a reply it may be because the account the mail was being forwarded to was experiencing problems. is now working again.


Posted by Ciaran Treanor 2002-04-25

CVS repository is up

The sourceforge guys have imported the CVS repository for jRRD. Give me a shout if you have any patches.

Posted by Ciaran Treanor 2001-11-21

Initial code release

Some information about the release can be found at

Posted by Ciaran Treanor 2001-11-17