

Krzysztof Osmulski

Welcome to your jrnl php wrapper!


This code is intended to be exposed on web server and wrap around jrnl calls with http via trivial php script.

- system with http server and php with user authorization (apache tested)
- jrnl tool installed on the system

Simple how to:
In the repo you will find config.php.


return array(
    'jrnl_path' => '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/jrnl',
    'data_path' => '/mnt/bigdata/storage/jrnl'

just specify the two properties (http user need to be able to write to 'data_path')

and expose index.php with other files on the web server

How to use it:

Big text area is for your jrnl entry to store. Click 'Add' and it will be added.
Small input is for search. It support standard jrnl queries. see jrnl usage for details

It is ugly and looks like this:

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