
JRecord 0.80.8 Released

JRecord is a library to read/write Cobol data files from Java using a Cobol copybook. It can also be used to read and write General Flat Files (Csv, Fixed Width) from java (using a Xml File Description.

Changes 0.80.8

  • There is a new Default Csv parser that is much Closer to the Csv Standard. Most people should notice the difference. JRecord will use the new CsvLine class (instead of Line) when reading Csv files. For the most part you should not notice the difference, there are some situations where you might, e.g. if the input line is "","","" if you do line.getFullLine() you get back "","","" while with the new CsvLine you get ,,. If you want to use the "old" lines, you can:
  • New CobolIoBuilder classes have been introduced (JRecord_Basics.htmlBasic IoBuilder Introduction and examples). These should make it easier read and write cobol data files.
  • There are new Csv options for Csv files with embedded carriage-return (n) characters:
  • By default, JRecord will still use the file; but you can specify Cobol columns via CommonBits or specifying the columns when converting the cobol copybook.
  • The GetUnique*Field methods and getFields methods have been replaced by new getGroupField and getGroup

Web page:

Posted by Bruce Martin 2015-03-02

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