
Need help on REDEFINE copybooks

  • Govindu Narendr

    Govindu Narendr - 2016-04-20

    Hi team,
    I have a copybook with REDEFINE blocks and have binary data mainfrane file but not able to read REDEFINE fields properly.Below is my copybook.If TRANS-PROD-TRNTYP record is DR,CR,IPD need to get below fields based in TRANS-PROD-TRNTYP field.Please help ASAP.

    Ex: if TRANS-PROD-TRNTYP=='CR' then

    Attached copybook and binary file for testing.Please help me to post the sample code.


    Last edit: Govindu Narendr 2016-04-20
    • Bruce Martin

      Bruce Martin - 2016-04-20

      The first thing, In the binrary file you sent me, the first 2 records are 1528 bytes long,
      the third is not !!! ===> Not Fixed-Width.

      I would guess the file was a VB file on the mainframe and the
      file was transfered to the PC without the Record-Descriptor-Word (basically the record length).
      This needs to be sorted out first. You need to retransfer the file with the
      RDW (Record-Descriptor-Word (basically the record length))

      With regards the testing you can do

          String transProdTrnType = line.getFieldValue("TRANS-PROD-TRNTYP").asString();
          if ("CR".equals(transProdTrnType)) {
             int trnCrDteTrn = line.getFieldValue("TRN-CR-DTE-TRN").asInt();
             int trnCrDteVal = line.getFieldValue("TRN-CR-DTE-VAL").asInt();
             long trnCrAmt = line.getFieldValue("TRN-CR-AMT").asLong();
          } else if ("DR".equals(transProdTrnType)) {
             // Get the DR fields
             int trnDrDteTrn = line.getFieldValue("TRN-DR-DTE-TRN").asInt();
             int trnDrDteVal = line.getFieldValue("TRN-DR-DTE-VAL").asInt();
             long trnDrAmt   = line.getFieldValue("TRN-DCR-AMT").asLong();
          } else if ("IPD".equals(transProdTrnType)) {
             // Get the IPD fields
          }  ....

      Tedious I know but not much else to do.

      Note: deleted the data file from the forum incase it had sensitive data in it.

      Note: have added a Cobol-Field-Name class generated in the RecordEditor. Hopefully you will find it useful ~ you can use IDE's completion.

      Finally I will have another look at it in the morning


      Last edit: Bruce Martin 2016-04-20
      • Govindu Narendr

        Govindu Narendr - 2016-04-20

        Thanks Bruce Martin for quick response and please help what VB file organization optino should Iuse.

        • Bruce Martin

          Bruce Martin - 2016-04-21

          You need to get the VB file first; when you do just set the file-organisation like


          or possibly


          You could try the latest version of the RecordEditor (

          In the cobol-import section, you enter a Cobol Copybook and a Cobol-Data-File; It should be able to work out the File-Structure (for VB files). There is an now an option to generate a JRecord-IOBuilder + Cool-Field-name class.

          • Govindu Narendr

            Govindu Narendr - 2016-04-21

            We extracted binary file from Mainframe system with RWD and use same configuratioin but getting error : Invalid Record Descriptor word at line 1
            at net.sf.JRecord.IO.LineReaderWrapper.readImplementation(
            at net.sf.JRecord.zExamples.cobol.iobuilder.AmsReceipt06.<init>(
            at net.sf.JRecord.zExamples.cobol.iobuilder.AmsReceipt06.main(

            Please help and attached java & binary files.

            Last edit: Govindu Narendr 2016-04-21
            • Bruce Martin

              Bruce Martin - 2016-04-21

              The file aqtrans pir2ub is exactly the same as the previous file aqtrans pir2u. You can see it in the file lengths - hence the same result

            • Bruce Martin

              Bruce Martin - 2016-04-21

              I get failure on Record 25. The first check byte was 1 (it should be 0 for VB but it can have other values for VS / VBS files).

              Some one needs to check exctly what the File Attrributes are on the Mainframe.
              You may well have VS / VBS (variable blocked spanned) or one of the old file Formats.

              If it is one of the old formats, some one will need to:

              • Copy the file to a FB/VB file
              • Download the new file.
              • Govindu Narendr

                Govindu Narendr - 2016-04-21

                The file is actually VBS and I downloaded as a VB file with below Connect:Direct script.

                step1 copy from (DSN="CAST.BIP.INTF.ONLINE"
                snode DISP=(SHR) DCB=(LRECL=30000,RECFM=VBS)
                to (DSN="/FCSIT/fcsg/feeds/staging/mainframe/CAST.BKUP.ONLINE"
                pnode SYSOPTS=":datatype=binary" DISP=(RPL) DCB=(LRECL=29996,RECFM=VB,BLKSIZE=30000)

                and attached Data Set Information

                • Bruce Martin

                  Bruce Martin - 2016-04-21

                  After looking at the second file, I thought it would be VBS.

                  Looking at the file, it still has valid SDW's (VBS control words) instead of a RDW's.

                  I would suggest trying the copy and browsing the file in ISPF before transfering.

                  If neccessary I can look at a VBS reader.

                  Will check in the morning

                  For my reference:

                  SDW for VBS ( Variable Blocked Spanned ) Records

                  The four bytes preceding the logical record is the Segment Descriptor Word.

                  Bytes Description

                  1-2 Length of the logical record (plus length of the four-byte Descriptor Word)

                  3 Segment Control Codes
                  Value Relative position of segment
                  00 A complete logical record
                  01 The first segment of a multiple segments record
                  02 The last segment of a multiple segments record
                  03 A middle segment of a multiple segments record

                  4 Low value, ( as usual ) reserved for future use

                  Read more:

                  • Govindu Narendr

                    Govindu Narendr - 2016-04-21

                    Please help for VBS reader.

                    • Bruce Martin

                      Bruce Martin - 2016-04-21

                      I will add a VBS reader to JRecord, but rember

                      1. you will probably be the only user of it - so less testing
                      2. I will be writing it based on the documentation I havew seen; so I may miss something

                      You should be able to copy the VBS file to a VB file using a Batch Sort job (or may be IDCAMS would be better ???) on the mainframe. This would be a safer option !!!

                      • Govindu Narendr

                        Govindu Narendr - 2016-04-22

                        Hi Martin,thanks for your help creating API for VBS files and I will check with check with maimframe team for second options also.

                        • Bruce Martin

                          Bruce Martin - 2016-04-22
                          1. I have uploaded a version of JRecord that has a VBS IO :
                          2. See attached my test code, it includes a generated access class

                          Basically to use a VBS do:

                              iobuilder = CobolIoProvider.getInstance()
                                      .newIOBuilder(cpybookFileName, ICopybookDialects.FMT_MAINFRAME)
                          • Bruce Martin

                            Bruce Martin - 2016-04-22

                            Found a mistake in VBS testing; I have just uploaded another:

                            so If you have downloaded the previous version, download again

                            • Govindu Narendr

                              Govindu Narendr - 2016-04-24

                              HI Bruce Martin, Intial testing done and working as expected and let you know once end-to-end testing completed.

                              Thank you so much for your help.And need to understand what is the class used for generating POJO objects by providning copy book.


                              Last edit: Govindu Narendr 2016-04-24
                              • Bruce Martin

                                Bruce Martin - 2016-04-25

                                The Program to generate the "Pojo" is available at:

                                The program basically

                                1. Reads a Cobol-Copybook and Creates an Extended Layout (or Schema)
                                2. Reads a properties file which has a list of Velocity Templates + options for the Templates
                                3. Generates the Templates from 2.

                                The "Pojo" I supplied was from a Velocity-Template I knocked up fairly quickly.
                                I should be able to add it to CodeGen but it still requires quite a bit of

                                The CodeGen has it own Pojo implementation that works slightly differently
                                but uses the same interfaces I supplied.
                                It could be used if you are carefull of its current limitations

                                • Single Record Files only
                                • Only single byte files (i.e. EBCDIC or ASCII) no double byte files (UTF-6 / 16).
                                • Issues with some (but not all) of generated code with Redefines.

                                Logic of Pojo's is basically

                                • I${RedorcName}Pojo - Interface defining Getters / Setters. There are 2 implementing classes

                                  • ${RedorcName}JR - Version backed by an Array of Bytes and uses JRecord code to get/set the fields
                                  • ${RedorcName}Pojo - Version using basic Java objects and contains no reference to JRecord.
                                • Code${RedorcName} - Static class that will convert a ${RedorcName}JR to/from a ${RedorcName}Pojo.
                                  This class would need to be modified for Redefines.

                                It just needs uninterupted time, testing and documentation.

                                I am intereseted is in finding out

                                • What code users are writing and what the purpose is. For example if people
                                  are loading data into Hadoop, a Generic Cobol --> Avro would be usefull.
                                • What generated code would support that.
                                • Govindu Narendr

                                  Govindu Narendr - 2016-04-26

                                  Thanks Bruce Martin,providing very good information.And VBS structure working fine.

  • Govindu Narendr

    Govindu Narendr - 2016-04-20

    Please find attached copybook and binary files

  • Brian Reynolds

    Brian Reynolds - 2016-04-20

    Can you post your code that calls JRecord please?

  • Govindu Narendr

    Govindu Narendr - 2016-04-20
    public class AmsReceipt06 {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new AmsReceipt06();
    //  private static final String copybookFileName = "AmsReceipt.cbl";
    private static final String copybookFileName = "aqtrans.txt";
    //private LayoutDetail schema;
    private final ICobolIOBuilder iobuilder;
    private AmsReceipt06() throws Exception {
        String copybookFileame = this.getClass().getResource(copybookFileName).getFile();
        iobuilder = CobolIoProvider.getInstance()
    private void readFile() throws IOException, RecordException {
    //      AbstractLineReader r = iobuilder.newReader("C:\\Software\\cobol\\Ams_Receipt_05AUG08190103.txt");
        AbstractLineReader r = iobuilder.newReader("C:\\Software\\cobol\\aqtrans pir2u");
        LayoutDetail schema = iobuilder.getLayout();
        AbstractLine l;
        String id;
        IFieldDetail recordType = schema.getGroupField("TRANS-RECORD","TRANS-BASIC-TRNTYP");
          System.out.println("Recordtype : "+recordType.getType());
        while ((l = != null) {
            id = l.getFieldValue(recordType).asString();
     * This method adds a Record-Selection-Test to a Record, three times.
     * The 3 tests will be will be combined with a boolean AND operator   
     * @param extlayoutCBL Group or parent record
     * @param recordName name of the record to be update
     * @param fieldName Field to Test
     * @param value value to be tested
    private static void addFieldTest3times(ExternalRecord extlayoutCBL, String recordName, String fieldName, String value) {
        int idx = findRecordIndex(extlayoutCBL, recordName);
        if (idx < 0) {
            System.out.println("Record " + recordName + " was not found");
        } else {
            // This add a test to the record three times.
            // The 3 tests will be joined with a logical AND
            // Obviously this would only make sense if the tests where different.
            // I did not have any sensible examples handy
            extlayoutCBL.getRecord(idx).addTstField(fieldName, value);
            extlayoutCBL.getRecord(idx).addTstField(fieldName, value);
            extlayoutCBL.getRecord(idx).addTstField(fieldName, value);
    private static int findRecordIndex(ExternalRecord extlayoutCBL, String recordName) {
        int ret = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < extlayoutCBL.getNumberOfRecords(); i++) {
            if (recordName.equalsIgnoreCase(extlayoutCBL.getRecord(i).getRecordName())) {
                ret = i;
        return ret;



    Last edit: Bruce Martin 2016-04-20
  • Govindu Narendr

    Govindu Narendr - 2016-04-20

    This code same as example frm Jrecord


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