
Occurs depending on in newCobol2Xml

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  • Brian Reynolds

    Brian Reynolds - 2015-10-21

    Hi Bruce,

    I know there is support OCCURS DEPENDING ON in the IOBuilders, but is there a lot of work getting into newCobol2Xml? Is there any plans to do this on the horizon?

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2015-10-21

    I have already started work on it; will let you know how it goes

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2015-10-22

    I have updated subversion.

    I have done some basic testing, for a simple occurs depending you should be Ok. For very complicated Occurs Depending (Multiple Nested Occurs Depending) expect problems.

    If you decide to use it, I would advise doing your own Tests.

    I have also uplodaed updated jars here

  • Brian Reynolds

    Brian Reynolds - 2015-10-22

    Great, thanks a lot. Will check it out over the next few days.

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2015-10-22

    It really needs more testing, but that involves writing simple programs to create files then setting up the tests. It all takes time

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2015-10-25

    I have done some more Testing; looks good so far.

    Extra Tests have been uploaded to subversion

  • John Power

    John Power - 2016-09-15


    Just following up here from work Brian has done. We have hid an issue with nested OCCURS DEPENDING ON as per the following structure (also attached with some sample data).

    I appreciate this is very new functionality and you said to 'expect problems' above but should or could this work ? Either way, I'm happy to check further but would appreciate understanding if I'm looking to fix an issue that should work or whether further work is required.

    Best regards,


       01 CUSTOMER-DATA.
          05 CUSTOMER-NUMBER                 PIC 9(9).
          05 LAST-NAME                       PIC X(20).
          05 FIRST-NAME                      PIC X(20).
          05 INVOICE-COUNT                   PIC 9(7) .
             10 INVOICE-NUMBER               PIC X(10).
             10 INVOICE-DATE                 PIC X(10) .
             10 INVOICE-AMOUNT               PIC 9 (4).
             10 INVOICE-DESCRIPTION          PIC X(20).
             10 INV-SUB-CT    PIC 9(4) .
                15 SUB-INVOICES-DATA PIC X(6).

    This results in the following error:

    java.lang.RuntimeException: Error With Occurs Depending On Field: INV-SUB-CT
    at net.sf.JRecord.External.Def.DependingOn.updateField(
    at net.sf.JRecord.External.Def.DependingOn.updateField(
    at net.sf.JRecord.Details.RecordDetail.setDependingOn(
    at net.sf.JRecord.External.ToLayoutDetail.toRecordDetail(
    at net.sf.JRecord.External.ToLayoutDetail.getLayout(
    at net.sf.JRecord.External.ExternalRecord.asLayoutDetail(
    at net.sf.JRecord.schema.CobolSchemaReader.getCobolSchemaDetails(
    at net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.Cobol2GroupXml.doInit(
    at net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.Cobol2GroupXml.cobol2xml(
    at com.jrecord.unit.Test1.test(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
    at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
    at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
    at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
    at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
    at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
    at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
    at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
    at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
    at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
    at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
    at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(
    at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(
    at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main(


    Last edit: Bruce Martin 2016-09-15
  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2016-09-15

    JRecord does not handle having the Occurs-Depending size field (INV-SUB-CT) as an array field. Using an
    array field like this means Looking the size up for every sub array

    There would be a lot of work in supporting it. I will have a think about what is involved in supporting it.
    Please understand, nesting the Occurs-Depending size field like this is not in any Cobol Standard,
    I recently started a discussion on this at GNU-Cobol:

    If sole purpose of the copybook is to create Xml; there are two other ways to handle this (in the latest version at CobolToXml

    • Use an array-check;
    • Use a multi-record file and use a record hierarchy


    See the attached HTML. Basically replace the second occurs depending with a straight Occurs:

      05 CUSTOMER-NUMBER                 PIC 9(9).
      05 LAST-NAME                       PIC X(20).
      05 FIRST-NAME                      PIC X(20).
      05 INVOICE-COUNT                   PIC 9(7) .
         10 INVOICE-NUMBER               PIC X(10).
         10 INVOICE-DATE                 PIC X(10) .
         10 INVOICE-AMOUNT               PIC 9 (4).
         10 INVOICE-DESCRIPTION          PIC X(20).
         10 INV-SUB-CT    PIC 9(4) .
         10 SUB-INVS OCCURS 10 TIMES.
            15 SUB-INVOICES-DATA         PIC X(6).

    In Cobol move spaces (or low values) to the empty SUB-INVOICES-DATA fields

    In Java / Java-Script / Groovy / Any-JVM language set an Array Check Line:

      .setArrayCheck("SUB-INVS", Cobol2Xml.ARRAY_CHECK_BUILDER.newStopAtSpaces())

    Note: Array-Checks are not available from the bat interface to CobolToXml.
    You must use a JVM language; For example the JavaScript Interpretter (jjs) that comes with Java 8 can be used.

    Record Hierarchy

    In the latest version, you can create hierarchy between records; see

    In this case you would have 3 records

    • Customer
    • Invoice
    • Sub-Invoice-data

    Copybook becomes:

    01 CUSTOMER.
      05 Record-Type                     Pic X.
         88 CUSTOMER-RECORD value 'C'.
      05 CUSTOMER-NUMBER                 PIC 9(9).
      05 LAST-NAME                       PIC X(20).
      05 FIRST-NAME                      PIC X(20).
    01 Invoice.
      05 Record-Type                     Pic X.
         88 Invoice-RECORD value 'I'.
      05 INVOICE-NUMBER               PIC X(10).
      05 INVOICE-DATE                 PIC X(10) .
      05 INVOICE-AMOUNT               PIC 9 (4).
      05 INVOICE-DESCRIPTION          PIC X(20).
    01 Sub-Invoice.
      05 Record-Type                     Pic X.
         88 Sub-Invoice-RECORD value 'I'.
      05 SUB-INVOICES-DATA           PIC X(6).

    And the Xml Generate Command becomes:

    ../lib/Cobol2Xml.bat    -cobol copybook-name ^
                                 -fileOrganisation Text ^
                                 -split 01 ^
                                 -recordSelection Customer  Record-Type=C ^
                                 -recordSelection Invoice  Record-Type=I ^
                                 -recordSelection Sub-Invoice  Record-Type=S ^
                                   -recordParent Invoice  Customer ^
                                   -recordParent Sub-Invoice Invoice  ^
                           -input  ...   ^
                           -output ...

    Doing it this way there are no issues with array limits. It is
    worthing knowing this for future reference.

    • John Power

      John Power - 2016-09-15

      Understood. Many thanks for the comprehensive feedback. Let me see if we can find a workaround based on your suggestions. Unfortunately we tend to come across non standard stuff like this that 'happens to work' all the time :-(

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2016-09-16

    Just woke up and thinking a bit more clearly now.
    A variation on the Record Hierarch would be to have two records (CUSTOMER && invoice) and keep the SUB-INVOICES occur depending.

    It is a very simple Cobol Pseudo Code to convert the file would be:

      Read Customer
      perform until EOF
             Move Cusomer-data to output record.
             Write Customer-record
             perform varing index from 1 by 1 until index > INVOICE-COUNT
                  Move Invoice-Data         to Invoice-Record
                  Write Invoice-Record             
             Read Customer

    Last edit: Bruce Martin 2016-09-16
  • John Power

    John Power - 2016-09-16

    Thanks for this.Sounds like a very reasonable approach.

  • John Power

    John Power - 2016-09-19


    We have a customer who would like us to support this. Would you be open to us implementing and providing the code back to you for review and integration ? If so, have you a view on how long this is likely to take us based on your experience ?

    Best regards,


  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2016-09-19

    I have no problem with your proposal.

    Tommorow morning I will have a look and think about it prepare some basic notes / explanation
    of the Occurs Depending code.

  • John Power

    John Power - 2016-09-19

    Sounds good. I'd appreciate a heads up on any standards, policies etc. you have for the code so that we can adhere to them.

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2016-09-20


    My current changes:

    There are 2 basic related changes I am currently working on

    • I am splitting some of the classes in the External package (e.g. ExternalRecord) in 2.
      The parent (or Base class) will be shared by both JRecord and RecordEditor.
      This will reduce the duplicate code I need to maintain and ensure JRecord / RecordEditor
      work the same way.
    • Simplify the Xml-Schema's sou user do not need to enter as much.

    Future Changes

    • At some time in the future I hope to 'Expand' the Occurs-Depending to full size when an Update
      is made (this will be for the RecordEditor as much as anything). I was going to implement extended
      Occurs-Depending at the same time. This change is at-least a year away.

    JRecord Background:

    JRecord started as part of the RecordEditor while they are now seperate systems
    I keep the 2 systems as close as possible. This allows me to copy code from one system to
    the other. It also creates problems:

    In JRecord it would make sense to store data/meta-data at the Line Level. In the
    RecordEditor where you may have millions of Lines you need to avoid storing
    meta-data at the line level.

    Classes used to represent Occurs-Depending + important methods

    There are 2 main classes used to store OccursDepending on detail

    • DependingOn Is stored in RecordDetail (Schema~Record~Definition class). It represents
      a tree of all the Occurs~Depending. There is a DependingOn class for every Occurs-Depending
      in the Cobol-Copybook. It has Child-DependingOn representing child occurs depending.

      • In my working version of JRecord it is Created in BaseCb2XmlLoader;
      • In older versions of JRecord it was created in XmlCopybookLoader
      • See attached class
    • DependingOnDtls Is stored in the FieldDetail (Schema~Field~Definition). It is
      bit like TreeNode with a parent-node. Unlike DependingOn; there is a node for every index.

      • In my working version of JRecord it is Created in BaseCb2XmlLoader;
      • In older versions of JRecord it was created in XmlCopybookLoader
      • See attached class


    • To make it all work, Field-Definition class (FieldDetail) has a reference back to Record that holds it.
      The RecordDetail class has a Method calculateAdjustment which calculates an position adjustment
      based on the DependingOn fields

    DependingOn class

    A Cobol Copybook like
    05 A1 occurs depending on ..
    07 A11 occurs depending on ..
    07 A12 occurs depending on ..

    is represented as the following tree structure in java
    where a Cobol-Occurs-depending is represented as a DependingOn item
    with child depending on items if needed

       * variableName = A1
                    +-----  DependingOn
                    |            variableName = A11
       * children = |            children = null 
                    +-----  DependingOn
                               variableName = A12 
                                children = null

    DependingOnDtls class

    This class is held a field level and holds all the index's
    For a Cobol Array Field Field-1 (2, 4, 6), you get a structure like:

      *  DependingOnDtls
           * index = 6
           * parent = DependingOnDtls
                        * index = 4
                        * parent = DependingOnDtls
                                     * index = 2
                                     * parent = null

    Basically an item represents one index.

    calculateAdjustment method (of RecordDetail class)

    The method calculateActualPosition (of RecordDetail class) calculates the actual
    position of a field taking account of any occurs-depending on clauses

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see net.sf.JRecord.Common.AbstractRecord#calculateActualPosition(net.sf.JRecord.Common.AbstractIndexedLine, net.sf.JRecord.External.Def.DependingOnDtls, int)
    public int calculateActualPosition(AbstractIndexedLine line, DependingOnDtls dependingOnDtls, int pos) {
        DependingOnDtls[] tree = null;
        if (dependingOnDtls != null) {
            tree = dependingOnDtls.getTree();
        return pos - calculateAdjustment(dependingOn, line, tree, 0, pos);
     * Calculate an adjustment to the record Position based on 
     * @param dependingOnList the list of Depending on clauses to use in the calculation
     * @param line line or record for which to calculate the position
     * @param dependingOnDtls depending on details for the field which we are calculating the adjustment for
     * @param lvl current level (or index in dependingOnDtls array 
     * @param pos position of the field
     * @return Adjustment to be made to the field
    private int calculateAdjustment(List<DependingOn> dependingOnList, final AbstractIndexedLine line, DependingOnDtls[] dependingOnDtls,
            int lvl, final int pos) {
        if (dependingOnList == null || dependingOnList.size() == 0 || pos < dependingOnList.get(0).getPosition()) {
            return 0;
        int tmpAdj = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dependingOnList.size() && pos >= dependingOnList.get(i).getPosition(); i++) {
            DependingOn dependingOnDef = dependingOnList.get(i);
            IFieldDetail field = dependingOnDef.getField();
            int adj = 0;
            try {
                Object value = line.getField(field);
                List<DependingOn> children = dependingOnDef.getChildren();
                int actualOccurs = Integer.parseInt(value.toString().trim());
                int occursLength = dependingOnDef.getOccursLength();
                int childAdjustment = calculateAdjustment(children, line, dependingOnDtls, lvl + 1, pos);
                if (pos > dependingOnDef.getEnd()) {
                    int occursMaxLength = dependingOnDef.getOccursMaxLength();
                    int actualOccursLength = occursLength 
                                     - childAdjustment; 
                    int actualLength = actualOccurs * actualOccursLength;
    //                      - calculateAdjustment(dependingOnDef.getChildren(), line, pos);
                    adj = occursMaxLength - actualLength;//calculateAdjustment(dependingOnDef.getChildren(), line, pos);
                    if (pos - adj < dependingOnDef.getPosition() + actualLength) {
                        return tmpAdj;
                } else if (children != null && children.size() > 0 && childAdjustment > 0) { 
                    if (dependingOnDtls != null
                    && lvl < dependingOnDtls.length ) {
                        int idx = dependingOnDtls[lvl].index;
                        adj = childAdjustment * (idx + 1);
                        DependingOn c = children.get(children.size() - 1);
                        if (pos < c.getEnd() + idx * occursLength) {
                            adj = childAdjustment;
                            int occurs = 1;
                            if (occursLength != 0 && pos - c.getEnd() > occursLength) {
                                occurs = ((int) (pos - c.getEnd()) / occursLength) + 1;
                                if (occurs > 1) {
                                    adj = childAdjustment * occurs;                                         
                            if (pos - children.get(0).getPosition() + children.get(0).getOccursLength() > occursLength) {
                                int tChildAdj = calculateAdjustment(children, line, dependingOnDtls, lvl + 1, pos - occurs * occursLength); 
                                adj += tChildAdj;                       
                    } else {
                        adj = childAdjustment;
                tmpAdj += adj;
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                System.out.println("Error Retrieving: " + (field==null?"null field":field.getName()));
                throw e;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RecordException("Error calculation Occurs Depending On for Variable: " + dependingOnDef.getVariableName() + " msg="+ e.getMessage(), e); 
        return tmpAdj;  
  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2016-09-20

    Code changes proposal

    1. I will update DependingOn (and the code that updates it) in two several ways

      • stop the exception bbeing thrown
      • Add a flag's to indicate there are occurs-depending fields in arrays like this case
      • Some method of getting the field
    2. Currently currently the calculateAdjustment in the RecordDetail calculates the
      adjustment for Occurs-Depending array fields. I am suggesting using the Stratergy pattern
      and having three class (with calculateAdjustment methods)

      • Once class for when there are no occurs depending fields, calculateAdjustment would return 0.
      • One class that uses the current calculateAdjustment method for standard occurs-depending on
      • A new class for the complicated occurs-depending

    Using a stratergy pattern will mean:

    • you do not need to worry about JRecord internals as much
    • It can be worked on independently to JRecord and implemented in ready.

    A couple other comments

    To avoid doing the same calculations over and aver again it might be worth while
    saving calculations between calls to calculateAdjustment. It depends on the cost of the
    calculations against doing a HashMap lookup.

    also a Cobol Copybook like

       03 Array-1   occurs 5.
          05 Array-size              pic 9(4).
          05 Array-11  occurs 1 to 10 times depending on Array-size.

    May cause problems; the DependingOnDtls class structure may need to be enhanced

    Code style, basically I can live with the Sun/Oracle type style

    Bascally I use { at the end of the lines like

    if (...) {
    } else {

    If going over more than one line, I tend to do

    public void ...
    throws {


    if (
    &&  aaa ==bbb
    && (   ccc ==  dd
        || ee == ff)
    && ggg == hh) {

    basically I am not to fussy on code style.

    The other thing is Unit Tests

    I will look a bit more tommorow

  • John Power

    John Power - 2016-09-22

    Thanks. Let me absorb this and take a look at the code and ensure I understand where you are coming from here.

  • John Power

    John Power - 2016-10-17

    Sorry, I got distracted and the urgency from the customer seemed to wane a little. We can pick this up and test over the coming weeks I'd expect.

  • John Power

    John Power - 2016-10-18

    I have built jrecord successfully but I can't see a pom.xml in the CobolToXml/Version_0.81.3/, only a build.xml and I'm afraid I'm not familiar with ant. Or am I missing something ?

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2016-10-18

    I guess I need to create one

  • John Power

    John Power - 2016-10-19

    Just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something. I'll try to put one together today.....hopefully the dependencies will be obvious from the build.xml

  • John Power

    John Power - 2016-10-19

    Attached is what I came up with but I couldn't work out where the missing dependencies are. This is the output from the package. Any advice on what I have screwed up welcome :-)

    C:\Users\jpo\Downloads\CobolToXml_0.81.3\Source\CobolToXml>mvn clean install
    [INFO] Scanning for projects...
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Building CobolToXml 0.81.1
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ CobolToXml ---
    [INFO] Deleting C:\Users\jpo\Downloads\CobolToXml_0.81.3\Source\CobolToXml\target
    [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ CobolToXml ---
    [WARNING] Using platform encoding (Cp1252 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
    [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory C:\Users\jpo\Downloads\CobolToXml_0.81.3\Source\CobolToXml\src\main\resources
    [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) @ CobolToXml ---
    [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
    [WARNING] File encoding has not been set, using platform encoding Cp1252, i.e. build is platform dependent!
    [INFO] Compiling 41 source files to C:\Users\jpo\Downloads\CobolToXml_0.81.3\Source\CobolToXml\target\classes
    [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[54,31] cannot find symbol
    symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    location: package net.sf.JRecord.External
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[96,57] cannot find symbol
    symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    location: class net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.Cobol2GroupXml
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[103,69] cannot find symbol
    symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    location: class net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.Cobol2GroupXml
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[111,76] cannot find symbol
    symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    location: class net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.Cobol2GroupXml
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[58,31] cannot find symbol
    symbol: class Cb2xmlDocument
    location: package net.sf.JRecord.External
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[62,31] cannot find symbol
    symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    location: package net.sf.JRecord.External
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[111,61] cannot find symbol
    symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    location: class net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.ZOldCobol2GroupXml
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[118,73] cannot find symbol
    symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    location: class net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.ZOldCobol2GroupXml
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[126,80] cannot find symbol
    symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    location: class net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.ZOldCobol2GroupXml
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[272,46] cannot find symbol
    symbol: class Cb2xmlDocument
    location: class net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.ZOldCobol2GroupXml
    [INFO] 10 errors
    [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 3.025 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2016-10-19T10:45:56+01:00
    [INFO] Final Memory: 14M/172M
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project CobolToXml: Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[54,31] cannot find symbol
    [ERROR] symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    [ERROR] location: package net.sf.JRecord.External
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[96,57] cannot find symbol
    [ERROR] symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    [ERROR] location: class net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.Cobol2GroupXml
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[103,69] cannot find symbol
    [ERROR] symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    [ERROR] location: class net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.Cobol2GroupXml
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[111,76] cannot find symbol
    [ERROR] symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    [ERROR] location: class net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.Cobol2GroupXml
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[58,31] cannot find symbol
    [ERROR] symbol: class Cb2xmlDocument
    [ERROR] location: package net.sf.JRecord.External
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[62,31] cannot find symbol
    [ERROR] symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    [ERROR] location: package net.sf.JRecord.External
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[111,61] cannot find symbol
    [ERROR] symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    [ERROR] location: class net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.ZOldCobol2GroupXml
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[118,73] cannot find symbol
    [ERROR] symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    [ERROR] location: class net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.ZOldCobol2GroupXml
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[126,80] cannot find symbol
    [ERROR] symbol: class ICobolCopybookLoader
    [ERROR] location: class net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.ZOldCobol2GroupXml
    [ERROR] /C:/Users/jpo/Downloads/CobolToXml_0.81.3/Source/CobolToXml/src/net/sf/JRecord/cbl2xml/impl/[272,46] cannot find symbol
    [ERROR] symbol: class Cb2xmlDocument
    [ERROR] location: class net.sf.JRecord.cbl2xml.impl.ZOldCobol2GroupXml
    [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
    [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
    [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
    [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
    [ERROR] [Help 1]


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