
jQuantum / News: Recent posts

jQuantum 2.3 released

jQuantum release 2.3 allows to be run via web start. As a convenient feature, this allows a direct loading of example circuit files from the internet. Moreover, jQuantum now is also available in Swedish (however, the documentation and help texts still are in English: if someone wants to translate them, join the project!).

Posted by Andreas de Vries 2009-10-08

jQuantum 2.2 released: Deutsch algorithm now implementable

In release 2.2 the Deutsch and Deutsch-Josza algorithms are implementable, and the gates S, adjoint S, and T are added. Moreover some changes to the surface were made, e.g., the qubit values of register states are displayed as tooltip texts, a restart button for circuit execution is added, and navigation of circuit execution by mnemonics (ALT+arrows) is enabled. Last not least, some bugs were fixed, for instance a wrong sign of the Pauli-Y gate and some errors concerning the entanglement between the x and the y-register after function evaluation.

Posted by Andreas de Vries 2008-06-18

jQuantum 2.1 released: Grover algorithm is now implementable

jQuantum now enables the implementation and simulation of the Grover algorithm, the quantum search algorithm which is substantially the only mathematical proof known to date that quantum computers are faster in principle than classical computers.

Posted by Andreas de Vries 2008-05-28

jQuantum: Quantum computer simulator version 2.0 released

There are several changes of jQuantum from version 2.0 to 1.7:
- jQuantum is now available in English, German, or Russian version
- There are given quantum circuits as examples files
- The function used in a function evaluation gate is shown as a tooltip on the circuit panel
- The efficiency of c-NOT and Toffoli gates improved
- Internally: Refactoring yields better object-oriented design and UTF-8 source code

Posted by Andreas de Vries 2008-05-21