
Java Performance TestClient / News: Recent posts

JPTC 0.2.3 released

JPTC is a graphical tool for testing the performance of java-classes. JPTC is written using java and java-swing. The new release fixes some smaller bugs and adds new behaviour to the existing package, please look to the release letter and visit

In 0.2.3 we changed the UserProperties, ErrorHandling and added a VersionInterface. The graphical libary was replaced with a newer version and new charts for the results have been added. The Open-/ Savedialoghandling was optimized for better usage. Some minor bugfixes have also been made.... read more

Posted by Karsten Voigt 2003-10-30

JPTC 0.2.2 released

JPTC is a graphical tool for testing the performance of java-classes. JPTC is written using java and java-swing. The new release fixes some smaller bugs and adds new behaviour to the existing package, please look to the release letter and visit

You can download the latest release here:

Posted by Karsten Voigt 2003-09-19

JPTC v0.2.1 released

JPTC is a graphical tool for testing the performance of java-classes. JPTC is written using java and java-swing. The new release fixes some smaller bugs and adds new behaviour to the existing package, please look to the release letter and visit

Posted by Karsten Voigt 2002-05-29

JPTC release 0.2.0 is released

JPTC is a tool for testing performance of java classes. The release 0.2.0 is the first stable build which implements the basic behavior. Just visit

Posted by Karsten Voigt 2002-04-14