
JPortal Projects / News: Recent posts

WebDDM 3.0.0 RC 1 Released

WebDDM 3.0.0 Release Candidate 1 has been released!
WebDDM is a fast, easy, feature-packed, free drop down menu generator written in JavaScript. It supports unlimited levels of menus, tooltips, dynamic effects, and is compatible with Mozilla 1.5+, IE 5+, Konqueror, Safari, and any browsers based on these.

Posted by Josh Gross 2004-09-21

WebDDM 2.0.7 released

WebDDM is a Web Drop Down Menu generator written in PHP. It supports PHP 4 and 5, and most (if not all) popular browsers for Windows, Linux, and Mac. Version 2.0.7 brings a few changes to make it easier to integrate into any website. See for more information.

Posted by Josh Gross 2004-07-17

WebDDM 2.0.5 released

WebDDM [Web Drop Down Menu] 2.0.5 has been released. It includes several bug fixes and some new features. See for more information. We encourage anyone using WebDDM to upgrade to version 2.0.5 as soon as possible.

Posted by Josh Gross 2004-07-03

WebDDM 2.0 released

The final version of WebDDM [Web Drop Down Menu] has been released, replacing WebDDM 1.x as the stable version. WebDDM 2.0 has been completely rewritten from WebDDM 1.x with speed and ease-of-use in mind; go to to get it now.

Posted by Josh Gross 2004-06-15

WebDDM 2.0 Beta 1 Released

WebDDM dynamically generates drop down menus using PHP, DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. WebDDM 2 has been completely rebuilt with ease-of-use, speed, and quality in mind. Here's the first beta.

Posted by Josh Gross 2004-03-28

phpStat 0.1.2 (stable) released

phpStat collects information about visitors to your website and lays it out in several different ways. phpStat 0.1.2 is must! It has a lot of changes and it's completely different from phpStat 0.1. The changes are too numerous to list here; among important changes are support for SQLite, language detection, monthly views, and several bug fixes.

Posted by Josh Gross 2004-02-23

WebDDM 1.1.4 (stable) released

WebDDM creates DHTML/JavaScript drop down menus with PHP.
WebDDM 1.1.4 fixes a menu height issue and introduces the WebDDM error checker. This will help to create the perfect bug-free menu.

Posted by Josh Gross 2004-02-04

phpStat 0.1 - Initial release

phpStat is a counter script written in PHP. It tracks visitors from page to page and automatically detects the OS and browser as well as IP address and HTTP referer.

Posted by Josh Gross 2004-01-31

WebDDM (stable) 1.1.2 released

WebDDM creates fully customizable drop-down menus using PHP, DHTML and JavaScript.
WebDDM 1.1.2 features new bug fixes and features that make menus more consistent throughout browsers.

Posted by Josh Gross 2004-01-31

WebDDM 1.1 (stable) released

WebDDM is a PHP drop down menu generator that creates highly customizable DHTML/JS menus.
Version 1.1 includes several important bug fixes. New features include menu fading, image preloading, and much more.

Posted by Josh Gross 2004-01-29

WebDDM 1.0 released

WebDDM is the perfect solution for drop down menus using PHP, DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. WebDDM 1.0 supports tooltips, perfect for describing each of the items.

Among bug fixes are fixed menu sensitivity and some constants that were initially left out of webddm.php

Posted by Josh Gross 2004-01-24

WebDDM 0.72 released

0.71 has many bugs and annoyances that have been fixed in 0.72. We've also included several new features.

Go here to get it:

Posted by Josh Gross 2004-01-20