
JPEGDeux is back!

After waiting for 2.5 years to see an update to JPEGDeux to fix a couple of minor annoyances, I decided to grab a copy of the source code and make the changes myself. I've made a gallant attempt at reaching Peter Ammon to work with him to correct this code, but all my e-mail has been returned (I tried his .mac and Cornell addresses); my apologies to Peter if this is the first you find out about this.

My first goal is to simply release version 1.8 of JPEGDeux. The main goal of 1.8 will be to fix the annoying little problem with users needing to delete the plist file everytime they want to run the application. The unfortunate side effect of this is that files are not currently saved in the file list between runs. I plan to do the proper fix for that in version 1.9 fo the application.

I'm also working on fixing a few small interface quirks that I noticed while running the application. Finally, this will be built with XCode 2.1 which will allow the application to be run on the Intel Macs at native speed (anyone want to test that one out for me?).

Posted by Kevin Erickson 2005-06-14

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