
JPEd / News: Recent posts

JPEd 2.0 stable release

Stable release of JPEd 2.0. Go to the sourceforge download page for 2.0 installer. Installation of plugins is made easy, juste put them in installation's plugins directory.
Stable release of JPEd 2.0 is also available as librairies on maven 2 official repo under the artifact groups net.sf.jped and net.sf.jped.plugins

Posted by tchize 2008-05-23

JPEd 2.0 Prerelease 1

The first prerelease of jped 2.0 is available for download. It includes features from latest jawe plus some wonderful addons, including plugins system, pdf export and svg export.

Posted by tchize 2007-12-15

New stable development release (1.0.2)

New release of development branch made, under name 1.0.2. See the download page of sourceforge or the jped website for details

Posted by tchize 2007-10-19

Preview release of JPED development

A mass october release of the development branch has been done in the 'Development Branches' package. Lots have been done on JPEd since latest release, including new plugins, better interface, improved compilation process and blank-plugin template.

When the branch become stable and we have synchronized with Jawe 2.0.6, new stable release of JPEd will be made.

If you want to help the JPEd development, want informations on how you can use JPEd plugins to address specific problems on your workflow and/or have concerns about the functionnalities of JPEd, don't hesitate to subscribe to the mailing list or send a private message to project admin tchize.... read more

Posted by tchize 2006-10-18

JPEd 1.0.1 release

Version 1.0.1 of JPEd released. This is nearly the same release as the 1.0.0 from wfmopen project, marking the independance of JPEd project from wfmopen project.

Posted by tchize 2006-08-10