
Network Packet Capture Facility for Java / News: Recent posts

jpcap - v0.01.16 released

The v0.01.16 release of jpcap incorporates significant enhancements submitted by the community.

The ability to write, as well as read, tcpdump format files is now included.

A new and improved mechanism for synchronous packet capture is now included in the core packet capture libraries.

Some new functions are included in the utility package, timeval information is accessible in objects derived from both Packet and RawPacket types, and a few bugs have been fixed.... read more

Posted by patrick charles 2004-09-29

jpcap - v0.01.15 released

Version 0.01.15 of jpcap, a network packet capture facility implemented in Java, has been released. This release incorporates changes submitted by the community. The major feature of this new release is support for multiple imultaneous instances of the packet capture engine within a single Java VM. Jpcap runs on virtually any Unix platform, including Linux, Solaris, AIX and Mac OS X. For Windows developers, the project now builds from source under MinGW. For Windows users, a new distribution, including a pre-built .dll is also available.... read more

Posted by patrick charles 2004-03-18

jpcap - Mac OS X now supported

Version 0.01.14 of jpcap, a network packet capture facility implemented in Java, has been released.

This release adds Mac OS X support and has been tested on a variety of Unix platforms.

A binary distribution of a network packet visualization tool utilizing the library is available in RPM format. The tool works on a variety of Linux platforms including RedHat 7.x, 8.x and 9.x.

Find out more at read more

Posted by patrick charles 2003-09-24

jpcap v0.01.13 released

The latest release of jpcap (v0.01.13) incorporates changes submitted by the community.

An alternate synchronous capture mechanism is now supported and capture performance is significantly improved.

Developers can now build the project using make or ant, Windows support is improved, and a few bugs have been fixed.

Posted by patrick charles 2002-11-10

jpcap v0.01.12 released

The latest release of jpcap (v0.01.12) incorporates changes submitted by the community.

A memory leak in the libpcap binding native code was repaired.

Missing accessors and storage for packet headers and data was added to several packet types in the net library.

In addition, some limited to support for building on the Windows platform has been added, and the documentation has been updated with pointers to the Windows jpcap site.

Posted by patrick charles 2002-04-02

jpcap reads tcpdump format capture files

The latest release of jpcap (v0.01.11) incorporates changes submitted by the opensource community.

Reading tcpdump format packet capture files is now supported. New methods which provide more convenient access to specific packet type headers and data are provided.

Several bugs are fixed, including a buffer overrun which can occur when capturing TCP packets containing header option fields.

Posted by patrick charles 2002-01-10

latest jpcap release support for new linktypes

The latest release of jpcap (v0.00.08) adds support for many new link-layer types other than ethernet.

Minor enhancements have been added to the client.
Settings have been implemented as Java properties and the visualization client now displays packet and byte counts on communication vectors.

Posted by patrick charles 2001-07-16

jpcap - First public release of simulator

The latest version of jpcap, a network packet capture facility for Java, was released today.

v0.00.07 includes the first public release of the simulator. The simulator has an interface identical to jpcap, but instead of capturing live packet data off the wire, it fabricates synthesized packets.

The type of packets generated by the simulator can be controlled using Java properties, allowing application developers to control what types of packets arrive at the capture interface.... read more

Posted by patrick charles 2001-06-27

jpcap - Packet Capture API for Java stabilized

The latest version of Jpcap, a network packet capture facility for Java, was released today.

Over the last week, the project has ranked in the the top 20 most active sourceforge projects, peaking at #11 as approximately 500 Java developers and users have downloaded the distributions.

The core packet capture package and library is very solid and has stabilized with no interface changes in the last few weeks. At the same time, development is continuing on the console capture tool and network traffic visualization tools.... read more

Posted by patrick charles 2001-06-13

jpcap-0.00.05 RPM for Alpha architecture machines released

jpcap-0.00.05-1.alpha.rpm was released today.

Binary RPMs are currently available for intel and Alpha AXP architecture machines.

Posted by patrick charles 2001-06-08

jpcap-0.00.05 released, RPM packages available

This release introduces RPM packages into the build, including an intel binary distribution targeted at users interested in the capture console and visualization tool.

Previous releases were targeted at developers and took a little bit of script editing and hacking to get going on varying development platforms.

Posted by patrick charles 2001-06-07

jpcap v0.00.04 released

This release fixes several outstanding bugs, consolidates exception handling in the native
capture component, and cleans up the RawPacket interface.

Capture statistics and functions to fetch network and netmask information, broken in previous releases, are now fixed.

The capture internals are rewritten to pave the way for a future release of a simulator which has an interface identical to the packet capture system.... read more

Posted by patrick charles 2001-06-05

jpcap v0.00.03 released

jpcap v0.00.03 was released, including a sample application which allows for the real-time graphical visualization of network traffic while capturing packets.

When using the jpcap libpcap bindings, two types of data capture are now supported. Raw packet data capture is available for clients implementing RawPacketListener, and high-level packet object capture is available for clients implementing PacketListener.... read more

Posted by patrick charles 2001-05-28

jpcap v0.00.02 released

v0.00.02 of jpcap was released. This is the first developer's release of the application.

The release contains a shared library which wraps most libpcap functions with hooks enabling packet capture from a Java application.

The release also contains a rudimentary sample Java client application which allows the user to control and view packet capture from from a text-based console.

Posted by patrick charles 2001-05-18