
jPacket / News: Recent posts

jPacket UML Diagram.

jPacket is a java library used to handle raw
IP packets.

A UML diagram of jPacket project is here:

Posted by Ivan Sendin 2001-09-04


Snapshots of jPacket GUI are here:

Posted by Ivan Sendin 2001-08-27

UDP packets added to jPacket

jPacket is a Java lib that works with raw IP.

Now, jPacket can hanlde TCP, UDP and ICMP packets.

Posted by Ivan Sendin 2001-06-22

jAri released.

jAri is command line TCP/IP packet constructor.
More info

Posted by Ivan Sendin 2001-06-07

Raw Socket Server released!!

A "Raw Socket Server" was released.
This server uses libnet and libpcap to inject e
get packets.

Posted by Ivan Sendin 2001-06-02

New CVS tree!!!

jPacket have a new CVS tree:

source/: jPacket source files
tools/: sample tools
tools/gui: very *primitive* GUI interface
tests/: some tests apps
tests/packet: captured packets (real, nemesis, etc...)

This weekend I will add "RawSocket" dir whith
the first version of raw socket server.


Posted by Ivan Sendin 2001-06-01

CVS is back.

After a couple of days, CVS is working with a new

Posted by Ivan Sendin 2001-06-01

jPacket is working!!

jPacket is working.
I've buil some valid tpc/ip packet
using jNemesis

Posted by Ivan Sendin 2001-05-18