
Native text rendering

Native text rendering in Joxy

Today we finally got the beginning of native text rendering working. The upper window in the screenshot shows the default Java text rendering, which is much less readable than the KDE/Qt text rendering. With help of the so-called Java Native Interface, we now are able to call Qt to do the text rendering for us. This is shown in the lower window in the screenshot.

There are still many caveats of this approach. Firstly, you will see that it is not implemented yet on all widgets. Furthermore the current approach is slow: we let Qt render on a Qt image, and then we need to convert it pixel-by-pixel to a Java image. Java then renders it on the window. Finally there are some alignment issues that need to be fixed.

The source code of the native text rendering will be pushed to the Git repository soon.

Posted by Willem3141 2012-03-02

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