
Tree [r2] /

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File Date Author Commit
 build 2010-06-15 packpaul [r2] Source
 docs 2010-06-15 packpaul [r2] Source
 lib 2010-06-15 packpaul [r2] Source
 src 2010-06-15 packpaul [r2] Source
 README 2010-06-15 packpaul [r1]
 build.xml 2010-06-15 packpaul [r1]
 compile.bat 2010-06-15 packpaul [r1]
 make.bat 2010-06-15 packpaul [r1]

Read Me


Jose Chess 2 is a chess program which you can use to play/store/examine chess
games and more.

Jose Chess 2 project is based on the project Jose (
originally written by Peter Schaefer (
Unfortunately Peter didn't seem to respond to his e-mail anymore, and neither was any
maintenance being done to Jose Chess since 2006. This is why Jose Chess 2 was launched.

The project homepage can be found on: 

At current state the project is compilable in Linux and MS Windows. Other
operating systems were not tested.


The source can be checked out from
It contains all source files, .jar files, library files and the compiled Jose.jar
file (note the capital 'J' in Jose.jar).

This is NOT the installation file. The installation file must be downloaded
from for your platform, installed, and ONLY the Jose.jar file
should be replaced or linked to.


Currently, the program compiles in Linux (Debian Lenny), using Java JDK 1.4,
JDK 1.5 or JDK 1.6. and the Javac compiler. It does not compile correctly with
GNU's GJC, but that might be an issue of not calling the compiler correctly.
In Windows, compilation is done using Java JDK 1.6.

The program runs using JRE 1.5 or JRE 1.6 of Sun's Java. It does
NOT run with GNU's java interpreter GIJ.

Ant utility ( is used for compilation of the source tree.
The build.xml file is contained in the root of the source directory. Calling ant is easy:

ant compile	- compile
ant jar	- compile build, create .jar file
ant clean - remove all built and compiled files
ant clean-build - remove all built files and re-compile the project

You have to review the build.xml file to check if the settings like
classpath, compiler options and JDK path are correct.

In Windows you can use make.bat and compile.bat batches for one-click compilation but edit
paths to Ant and JDK in them first too.


The source code is in a tree like this:

 |  |_java
 |  |  |_ de
 |  |  |_ org
 |  |  |_ osbaldeston
 |  |
 |  |_c
 |     |_ ...
 |     |_ ...
 |  |_ jar
 |  |_ ...
    |_ ...
    |_ ...

src: contains Java and C/C++ code. Utilities like Java Launcher are written in C++ but
fortunately you don't have to compile it and can use the one in the distribution. If
you wish nevertheless to compile the C-sources as well, some additional configuration and
makefiles are needed. Which ones must be investigated.

build: contains all compiled files. build/jar contains the Jose.jar file.

lib: holds all additional dependancies jar files. Partially they come from the
installation of jose, partially they were found on the web and downloaded for compilation.


To run the newly compiled jar file, create a link from the directory where
jose was installed originally to this compiled file. The directory structure
as created during the install cannot be omitted! In Windows you should copy
the newly created .jar file to the existing Jose directory.


There are some problems with 3D mode. Either it doesn't run at all, or the
viewport remains white. It happens mainly with older (< 2003 VGA cards). For
debugging this issue, use these statements:
export J2D_TRACE_LEVEL=4
java -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true -jar jose.jar

There is a problem with the slider object in some GTK libraries when running
in GTK+ look and feel: the slider direction is opposite with the mouse
direction. E.g. when the mouse moves right, the slider moves left. This was
fixed this in by reversing the slider in GTK mode. But in some versions now the
entire slider is reversed, although the movement of the slider is synchronized
with the mouse.



<TODO: describe here what was added by you in 1.4.5>


<TODO: future ideas in a pair of words>