
Tree [9ca569] master 1.0.3 /

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File Date Author Commit
 .github 2022-02-08 Trayan Momkov Trayan Momkov [673b9e] Try to make publish action on release creation.
 resources 2022-02-06 Trayan Momkov Trayan Momkov [3a908b] Add README; Some minor fixes.
 src 2022-02-07 Trayan Momkov Trayan Momkov [3a3c8a] Code cleanup.
 .gitignore 2022-02-06 Trayan Momkov Trayan Momkov [3a908b] Add README; Some minor fixes.
 LICENSE 2022-02-06 Trayan Momkov Trayan Momkov [3a908b] Add README; Some minor fixes. 2022-02-07 Trayan Momkov Trayan Momkov [c33a23] Revert "Change jar files links."
 pom.xml 2022-02-14 Trayan Momkov Trayan Momkov [051d0d] Remove jars and add deploy plu-in in the pom.

Read Me

JOS  JOS - N-body Simulation  N-body Simulation in Java

GitHub repo size

Java Objects Simulation (JOS) is an N-body simulation system written in Java.

JOS - N-body simulation


  • GPU version: jos.jar - Faster. Main calculations run on video card. Limited precision. Compatible video card required.
  • CPU version: jos-cpu.jar - Slower. Runs on CPU. Arbitrary precision.


  • JOS should run on every system with Java 8 or later installed, including Linux, Mac OS and Windows.
  • For GPU version, be sure you have installed latest driver for your video card. It should include OpenCL needed for the GPU.


  1. Start the application by:
  2. Double-click on the jar file.
  3. If it doesn't start use the following command in the console: java -jar jos.jar
  4. Click "Generate objects".
  5. Click "Start".
  6. Enjoy!

JOS - N-body simulation

You can run the simulation without visualization, for faster computations, and play it later.

Video card compatibility

GPU version jos.jar does not run on every video card.
If you experience any problem, please try the CPU version: jos.jar.

Please help me to create a list with compatible video cards. Tell me what is yours
and whether there is a problem or everything is running fine.

If you see the following message when you start a simulation:
Simulation logic execution mode = GPU then everything is fine.

List of video cards on which the system is tested:
- NVIDIA Quadro K1100M: OK


The application had been initially written in C++ and OpenGL in 2009.

The idea was to have a simulation system which can use different interaction laws to calculate the force emerging between the objects.

It was used with:
- Coulomb's law
- Variation of Method of mirror charges between electrically charged spheres
- Newton's law of universal gravitation

Current version implements only Newton's law and is written in Java.

For GUI it uses Swing and Java 2D Graphics.

GPU version (master branch) does not use Z coordinate of the objects. This is done
for faster calculations but can be easily changed.

CPU version (arbitrary_precision branch) use Z coordinate.

Current visualization is 2D only.

Aparapi library is used for GPU computations.

The version which is running only on the CPU (jos-cpu.jar) introduces an abstraction for numbers
which allows you to choose which implementation to use: primitive type double,
common BigDecimal or arbitrary precision ApFloat.

If you need precise numbers try ApFloat. My experience shows that it
is faster than BigDecimal.

You can save/load simulation properties using JSON format.

You can also save/load the simulation run itself and play it later. This is done again in
JSON but the file is GZipped to be smaller. You can unzip it with any archiver supporting gzip and read the values for
a particular iteration and object.

Simulation properties (input) file format

      "numberOfIterations":0,                       # Zero means no limit
      "outputFile":"2022-Feb-07_00-26-53.json.gz",  # Where to save the simulation run
      "saveToFile":true,                            # Whether to save the simulation run
      "numberType":"DOUBLE",                        # What type to use for numbers. GPU version works with DOUBLE only
      "interactingLaw":"NEWTON_LAW_OF_GRAVITATION", # Current version (1.0.0) supports only NEWTON_LAW_OF_GRAVITATION
      "precision":32,                               # Numbers precision. Used by BigDecimal and ApFloat
      "scale":16,                                   # Only used by BigDecimal
      "realTimeVisualization":true,                 # Whether to visualize during simulation run. If true, runs slower
      "playingSpeed":33,                            # If playingSpeed < 0: every iteration sleep playingSpeed milliseconds
                                                    # If playingSpeed >= 0: visualize every playingSpeed milliseconds
            "color":"0000FF",                       # Blue
            "speedY":-4,                            # Metre per second (m/s)
            "mass":1E17,                            # Kilogram (kg)
            "id":"0",                               # Unique id of the object
            "radius":80                             # Metre (m)
            "color":"FF0000",                       # Red

Source code description (for developers)

There is a lot of things which are not finished or implemented (such as viewport navigation),
but the main functionality is there.

The design of the application is not the best one. Especially in master branch
where GPU is used for computations. One of the reason is that the main
calculations have to be translated from byte code to OpenCL. This is done by
Aparapi library.

Main calculations translated to OpenCL are in methods:
- SimulationLogicImpl.calculateNewValues(int i);

!!! DO NOT CHANGE THESE METHODS and methods called from them if you don't have experience with Aparapi library!!!

Even adding a simple break; statement will cause translation failure and the code will execute on the CPU. Read more here:
Aparapi Java Kernel Guidelines.

The branch which uses CPU is called arbitrary_precision and as its name
suggests, it offers arbitrary precision for arithmetic calculations.
Design of this branch is better. There is Number interface which
has four implementations:
- FloatNumberImpl
- DoubleNumberImpl
- BigDecimalNumberImpl
- ApfloatNumberImpl

I'll not explain the parts of the system in details here. Instead, let me
give you some simple steps for compiling and running the project.

JOS is maven project. I've used Java Swing and IntelliJ GUI builder for the GUI.
You should be able to import it as a maven project in your favorite IDE.
- To run it from source code you can use: mvn clean compile exec:java
- To package as a single JAR file with dependencies use: mvn assembly:single
- You can run the JAR with: java -jar jos.jar

Contributing to JOS


  • Implement tests.
  • Fix viewport navigation during visualization.
  • Implement object bouncing from each other using coefficient of restitution.
  • Implement video recording of the simulation.
  • Implement simulation generator using formula for placing objects in more
    complex structures or create GUI for that.
  • Implement 3D visualization.

If you can implement anything from the TODO list or you want to fix a bug
you are welcome to contribute.

To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch: git checkout -b <branch_name>.
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m '<commit_message>'
  4. Push to the original branch: git push origin <project_name>/<location>
  5. Create a pull request.

Alternatively see the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.


If you find an error, something looks incorrect or just have a suggestion please write me.


Trayan Momkov


Apache License 2.0