
new developer

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-02-27

    I recently discovered openRPG (the wxPython version) shortly after beginning my own Java research into coding a similar program for games with geographically distant friends...

    I've always been a fan of open-source, without quite the skills to contribute, but I've now a relatively firm understanding of C, and I'm beginning to understand C++ and Java...

    And what I'm asking is whether there is any place for a acolyte programmer in the Java version of openRPG.

    I can't yet promise loads of technical savvy, but I'd like to help out.

    If the developer is interested in my help, he/she can e-mail me at

    ok, that's all


    Milo Holt

    • Ted Berg

      Ted Berg - 2002-02-28

      Hi Milo!

      Yes, I'm interested in help.  As to whether there is a place for someone new to java, I can't say.  Try grabbing the source code and playing with it.  If you see something that needs doing and you think you're up to the task, do it.  You can send me a patch ( or a copy of the modified file if you don't know how to make a patch yet ), and we'll see about getting it incorporated into the program.  If, after a bit, you decide you'd like to stay on with us long term, we can add you to the project and get you set up. Unfortunately
      there's no README for developers yet, I should probably start on that soon.

      I'm afraid that parts of the code are a mess too, as this application was never really planned it just sort of happened.

      One last point, there are forums here and on the project homepage ( ), as well as dev/user mailing lists.  The mailing lists are probably the most active, and even they are  fairly slow.

    • David Hudson

      David Hudson - 2002-02-28

      Here is an old 'newbite tips' doc I worte up when I joined the project. Hopefully it will be a little useful.


      Here are a few tips for developing for jOpenRPG

      Download and install java 1.4 beta

      Set environment variables:
      JAVA_HOME={where java dir is}
      CLASSPATH = every jar you can think of
      PATH: make sure java and javac are in the path

      Download jopenrpg.jar
      Download xalan.jar, jython.jar, jdom.jar and put into java/jre/lib/ext (all .jar files are aviable
      from the jOpenRPG site)

      Make sure jopenrpg.jar will run: java -jar jopenrpg.jar

      Install cvs
      cvs login

      You probably want to add some environment variables to your setup
      export CVSROOT (*nix)

      cvs import jopenrpg
      cvs checkout jopenrpg

      download ant
      Install ant

      Set environment variables:
      ANT_HOME={ant dir}
      PATH: include ant/bin

      Download javacc
      Requires registration
      In jopenrpg/build.xml, uncomment javacc.home line and set path to javacc location
      PATH: make sure to point to javacc

      To build a version of jOpenRPG
      type 'ant' to compile jopenrpg. Good for debugging
      type 'ant debug-dist' to debug and create .jar file
      'ant dist' create jar file
      'ant major' iterate the major version number
      'ant minor' iterate the minor version number
      'ant micro' iterate the micro version number

      Note: at the moment do not use the Make file. Use ant for all builds.

      Start working on some code and post it to the jopenrpg dev group.
      You may want to do a
      'cvs diff jopenrpg > diff.txt'
      Edit and post the diff file.

      Create an account at

      If the code is accepted then the project leader (Ted) will add you to the developers list (using
      your SourceForge handle). You can add code to the project via cvs directly.
      {Still working on adding the proper cvs commands and ssh settings}


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