
Joone 1.2.0 released

Joone is a FREE neural net framework to create, train and test artificial neural networks. The aim is to create a powerful environment both for enthusiastic and professional users, based on the newest Java technologies.

Joone's neural networks can be built on a local machine, be trained on a distributed environment and run on whatever device.

Everyone can write new modules to implement new algorithms or new architectures starting from the simple components distributed with the core engine.

The version 1.2.0 adds many new features, among which the Radial Basis Function, a new Input Connector useful to share the same data source between several layers, a Weights' Initializing mechanism, etc.
Moreover, a lot of bugs have been fixed and the documentation has been improved.
Go to to see all the changes made in this release.

Posted by Paolo Marrone 2005-02-04

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