
Join Integration Management System / News: Recent posts

Join 1.0 release

Join 1.0 has been released !

Join is a software integration/staging management system dedicated to complex and large scale projects. It allows you to manage your project artifacts, resources, environments configuration and orchestrate the build operations of your staging workflow.

Join provides trigerring of Apache Ant, Groovy and Javascript scripts on its workflow events.

Join 1.0 has an easy installation process (based on a web wizard) : it is lightweight, customizable and internationalized. It offers numerous deployment options from database to Java server choice.... read more

Posted by Laurent Broudoux 2007-04-11

Join 0.6.0 is now released !

The 0.6.0 version of JOIN is now available.

This release includes following enhancements :
- support of Subversion SCM through new adapter (see\),
- generation of RSS feeds for keeping your teams in touch with project progression and events,
- wizard for configuration and contextual help : this should allow better quick start on JOIN,
- more modular and plugins friendly build system that allow you to easily integrate your own components into the system. As samples, we are now providing 2 plugins allowing you to write your trigger scripts in Jython or in Groovy (see for this new agile language),
- some other improvements ...... read more

Posted by Laurent Broudoux 2005-01-27

Join 0.5.1 release

Version 0.5.1 of JOIN has been released !

This maintenance release includes :
- support of JBoss 3.2.x J2EE container,
- Ldap adapters for managing users defined outside of Join database,
- support of Spanish localization for GUI and messages,
- some bug fixes.

JOIN is a software integration management system dedicated to complex and portail type projects. It allows you to manage your project artifacts and resources. It aims to be the join-point between Development and Validation teams, Production and of course the Project Management. ... read more

Posted by Laurent Broudoux 2004-10-25

Join Tools 0.1 is now available.

First release of Join Tools is available.

The aim of this package is to provide a set of tools for easier customization of your JOIN system.
The first tool released allow you to define and managed through a GUI, the triggers you may plug behind JOIN events.
You will no longer have to edit cumbersome Xml deployment descriptors : it does the job for you ! ;-)

JOIN is a software integration management system dedicated to complex and portail type projects. It allows you to manage your project artifacts and resources. It aims to be the join-point between Development and Validation teams, Production and of course the Project Management.... read more

Posted by Laurent Broudoux 2004-09-01

Join 0.5.0 released !

Version 0.5.0 of JOIN has been released !

New and improved features from 0.5.0 RC1 include :
- new web theme made to be more eye-candy and user-friendly (cascading menus, icons, show/hide part of pages, visual calendar, ....),
- configuration changes tracking now fully operational,
- many enhancement and bug fixes.

JOIN is a software integration management system dedicated to complex and portail type projects. It allows you to manage your project artifacts and resources. It aims to be the join-point between Development and Validation teams, Production and of course the Project Management.... read more

Posted by Laurent Broudoux 2004-08-19

Join 0.5.0 RC1 released !

Version 0.5.0 candidate 1 of JOIN has been released !

New and improved features in 0.5.0 RC1 include :
- web frontend navigation user-friendliness,
- tracking operations and history browsing,
- administration operations,
- support of DB2 database,
- integration with other systems (by a web services gateway) ,
- deployment (separation of asynchronous services from synchronous ones),
- build system (much more extensible),
- enhancement and bug fixes.... read more

Posted by Laurent Broudoux 2004-03-19

Join 0.0.3 released

Version 0.0.3 of JOIN has been released.
Major new features in 0.0.3 include :
- ability to separate asynchronous from synchronous services for deployment (boosts performances !),
- fully functionnal environment update lifecycle management (+ rules set sample),
- improved navigation into the web frontend,
- bug fixes.

JOIN is a software integration management system dedicated to complex and portail type projects. It allows you to manage your project artifacts and resources. JOIN is light-weight, fully customizable, i18ned and portable because based on J2EE standards.

Posted by Laurent Broudoux 2003-12-10

Activity Statistics

Just a reminder for people not aware of status ...

CVS statistics are not currently being aggregated and displayed since early October. CVS statistics have been intentionally disabled until the transition to the new CVS infrastructure is completed (details here :\).

As a consequence, the activity percentile on project summary page doesn't represent at all the JOIN project activity ... Check CVS mailing list activity to see that work is being done ! ( ... read more

Posted by Laurent Broudoux 2003-12-03