
Original Joda project / News: Recent posts

Joda Time is separate project

Joda Time has now been separated from the main Joda CVS and has its own sourceforge project joda-time.

Joda now consists of joda-time, joda-primitives and joda-beans. The main effort continues to be on the time component.

Posted by Stephen Colebourne 2004-01-31

Joda release 0.9 available

A new release, 0.9, is now available. This has changes in the area of Joda-Time that is the main focus of the Joda project.

Much work has been done on the internals of the time handling code, and this has resulted in a more complete and powerful system.

However, for this release we have removed the TimePeriod code, subject to a full review.

See for more detail!

Posted by Stephen Colebourne 2003-09-11

Joda release 0.8 available

Version 0.8 of the Joda beans and dates project is now available. Joda aims to provide 'next generation' solutions for core parts of the Java API.

The Joda dates subproject has expanded considerably since the last release and is now the main focus of the Joda project. The aim is to provide a complete rewrite of the Java Date and Calendar classes that have caused much grief over the years.

This release is a major milestone as it includes the main architecture to support dates in multiple calendar systems, including parsing and formatting.... read more

Posted by Stephen Colebourne 2002-11-03

Joda Time development expands

Development of the JodaTime code continues to expand. With new developers, the 0.7 code is being dramatically expanded to provide a complete next generation time implementation.

JodaTime is now targetting not just the ISO8601 standard, but all calendar systems. A complete rewrite of Java's date formatting and parsing code is also underway.

The 0.8 release is going to be good ;-)

Help wanted:
Do you have knowledge of calendar systems other than the standard gregorian calendar? Maybe you could help the Joda project implement more calendars?

Posted by Stephen Colebourne 2002-09-11

Joda release 0.7 available

With many bug fixes and small enhancements, this is the most stable release of Joda properties yet. Many more XML output choices are available in particular.

This release also debuts the joda-time release as a separate package. This allows those of you who just want to see and use the date package to do so without the rest of Joda.

Enjoy, and please give us any feedback!

The Joda team

Posted by Stephen Colebourne 2002-06-12

Joda release 0.6 available

Release 0.6 of Joda is now available. Included in this release is the ability to define the Joda model as classes as well as interfaces. Also supported is querying the model by XPath. Finally, the SAX input and output has been improved. Why not take a look?

Posted by Stephen Colebourne 2002-03-18

ISO8601 dates and time now a project goal

After much searching, there appears to be no decent replacement for the broken java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar classes. Since Joda needs such an implementation, this is now a project goal.

Posted by Stephen Colebourne 2002-03-10

CVS is available

Despite appearance, CVS is available and full of files. Why not take a look?

Posted by Stephen Colebourne 2002-03-10

Joda release 0.5 available

Release 0.5 of Joda is available as of 7th March 2002. Joda seeks to define a better way to build domain models in Java. In particular, XML and Swing integration are tackled. In this release a domain model can be created written out to SAX/XML and read back in from SAX - no binding files, no configuration (and even no classes!).

Posted by Stephen Colebourne 2002-03-07