
Joda-Time 1.5.2 released

Joda-Time provides a Java library for date and time handling including the ISO8601 standard. It completely replaces the JDK Date and

Calendar classes, while still providing good integration. It is open-source software under the ASF2 license.

Version 1.5.2 has just been released to fix a bug in 1.5:

  • DateTimeZone (regression)
    Fix issue at Daylight Savings Cutover in Autumn

The time zone data has also been updated to 2007k.

Major features of Joda-Time

  • Easy to Use - Calendar makes accessing 'normal' dates difficult, due to the lack of simple methods. Joda-Time has straightforward field

accessors. And the index of January is 1!

  • Extensible - Joda-Time supports multiple calendar systems via a plugin mechanism, which is much more extensible than the subclasses of

Calendar. Currently supported calendars are ISO8601, GregorianJulian, Buddhist (Thai) Coptic, Ethiopic and Islamic.

  • Comprehensive - Joda-Time includes classes for datetimes, dates without times, times without dates, intervals and time periods.

  • Advanced formatting - An advanced and extensible formatting mechanism is included, allowing input and output to string in a thread-safe


  • Well documented. There is documentation in the form of a quick and full user guide, plus reference pages, FAQs and javadoc.

  • Tested. There is good test coverage, see the website, providing an assurance of quality.


As always, feedback is welcomed - whether bugs or reviews, good or bad! Only with input from the community can the library improve.

Joda-Time team

Posted by Stephen Colebourne 2008-01-27

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